Thursday, March 1, 2012

Top 10 (Customer Service Training} Tips ? hot news

Keep yourself educated on all the retail products sold in your store and be prepared for any question. Make sure you know all the answers you may need to assist a customer beforehand, but also be sure to keep your expressions of product knowledge balanced. Bombarding customers with information when they really just want to shop in peace can be a huge turn-off.For clothing retail stores, be sure to periodically check on customers in the dressing rooms, but do not annoy them by interrupting too often. If they happen to ask for your opinion, always be honest and polite when making suggestions. Once a customer has made their selections and is ready to check out, point them to the register. It should not, however, be considered a one-time or annual event. Customer service training is an ongoing process that needs to be incorporated into the organization?s culture and way of doing business.Good customer service training will be based on the needs of your organization as well as the skill level of your employees. Following are some key elements in ensuring that your customer service training efforts get results.

1)????? Start with the end in mind. What do you want to accomplish with your customer service training efforts? Your answer will be unique to your business, the product or service you provide and the type of customer you serve. For example, if you run a dry cleaning business, your expectation may be that customers are greeted promptly when they come into your store, that clothing is cleaned to their specifications and that any problems or issues are resolved according to prescribed policies/practices that have been clearly communicated to customers.If you run a consulting business your customer service expectations may include lengthy interactions with clients to clearly determine their needs, identified check-points throughout the consulting process, etc. Regardless of the specifics, the point is that you need to have a clear idea of the end results you?re looking for. Then you can use these results to help direct the focus of your customer service training efforts.2)????? Define success. That?s as true as it is important. As managers, we need to remember that time is our friend. Training must be continuous. If your team members aren?t experts already, make them experts over time.People FirstBut until your employees are the experts you know they can be, there are some other things you can do to provide great customer service training for retail. One thing is to ensure that your customers are treated as individuals. Too many customer experiences are soured by a robotic employee ?dealing? with ?another customer.? Putting an end to this type of interaction starts during training, and it starts at the top. Treat your employees as individual people first, and employees second, and invite them to do the same with customers. Empower them to make exceptions or give discounts on behalf of the company. Then, when they realize their moment-to-moment decisions can affect real company outcomes, they?ll be less likely to feel like just another cog in the machine, and they?ll see and treat customers as people first.Follow-ThroughOf any of these three, this is the most teachable (and perhaps most traceable). Customer service training is my area of expertiseTop 10 (Customer Service Training} Retail Customer Service Training, Top 20 (Customer Service Training} Ideas

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