Thursday, March 15, 2012

Ben Flajnik and Courtney Robertson "Work Well Together," Bachelor Star Insists

Ben Flajnik's decision to propose to Courtney Robertson on The Bachelor finale was not exactly well received, but he stands by it, saying they're a great fit.

The reality star hopes that as the recent controversy dies down, "people will get a better understanding of who we are and why we're still together."

Ben admits he saw signs of Courtney Robertson's now-infamously catty behavior this season, "like when she would skip back after getting a rose."

Just the same, "I asked [the other women] for specific examples and [they said], 'She's weird,' or 'She's different.' That wasn't reason enough."

Ben Flajnik Proposing to Courtney Robertson

Ben Flajnik says there were "many really sweet moments that we had together" that kept him interested in Courtney Robertson, come what may.

Plus, he adds, "She was one of the only girls on the show that questioned the experience and that's what I found attractive about her – and I still do."

"Courtney was always like, 'I've only been on two dates with you, why should I bring you home right now? My family is really important to me.'"

"It was like, finally, someone who asks the right questions instead of [saying], 'It's going be wonderful and we could be married for the rest of our lives.' "

Despite acknowledging that the two split for several weeks this winter, during which he kissed a bunch of random girls, Ben says they "will be fine."

"Maybe someday people will get behind us, but for now we work really well together," he says. "The Bachelor will not define me as a person."

Question is: Will Ben and Courtney last?


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