Sunday, February 3, 2013

101 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues


Don?t let winter get you down! Enjoy it and see how many items you can mark off of this winter ?bucket list?!

1. Make snow angels!

2. Work jigsaw puzzles

3. Read a good book by the fireplace

4. Wear your pajamas all day and enjoy an unexpected, lazy, snow day (like I?m having today!)

5. Start a blog! It?s a great way to connect with others! (Have questions about how? Just ask below!)

6. Take photos of the many sights of winter ? it really is a beautiful season!

7. Sign up for blog updates?from Only a Breath! It?s a great way to get some much-needed encouragement throughout the whole year! (You know I had to throw that in there, right?) :)

8. Eat homemade soup or chili! (My favorite recipe for chili is THE easiest ever! Brown grown beef and onion, throw it into a crock pot with 2 cans Bush?s chili beans, 2 cans tomato sauce, 2 cans diced tomatoes, and add some chili powder! Cook on low for several hours. Viola!)

9. Read books to your children

10. Play XBox Kinect! When my kids are stuck inside, this is a great way to burn off some extra energy! (? okay, I enjoy it too! It?s a great workout!)

11. Pop popcorn and enjoy an at-home movie night!

12. Wrap up in a gorgeous, hand-made scarf from my friend Amanda!

13. Take advantage of the time inside to WRITE that eBook you?ve been thinking about!

14. Have a snowball fight! We did that this morning, and it was SO MUCH FUN!

15. Make snow cream!

16. More time inside driving you crazy? Take some time to dig in and organize something! You?ll be so happy you did later!

17. Decorate with paper snowflakes? so beautiful!

18. Snuggle with someone you love?

19. Let in the sunshine! Open the blinds and enjoy as much sunlight as possible! Sunlight is a great mood lifter!

20. Hot Chocolate + Lots of Mini Marshmallows = Heaven :)

21. Warm, fuzzy socks?..

22. Open an Etsy shop! Do you have a hobby you could turn into a business? Go for it while you?re stuck inside this winter

23. Sleep. (Yes, I am a little boring, but this may be my favorite item on the whole list)

24. Try one of these 60 recipes for homemade soup!

25. Send someone a little note by snail mail ? lift their spirits too!

26. Learn to play an instrument?

27. Create a family gratitude journal

28. Exercise! Get moving in a fun way ? like a DVD you can do at home or even video games!

29. Drink water! Taking care of your health is a great, natural way to beat the winter blues!

30. Volunteer at a local nursing home, preschool, or church. Isn?t it amazing how we forget our own ?blues? when taking care of others?

31. Go to church! It?s so important to stay in contact with others and keep from isolating ourselves during the winter?

32. Revisit a favorite book series! Right now, I am reading the Little House on the Prairie series which I found at the used book store. I enjoy it over and over again! (Next up? Anne of Green Gables!!!)

33. Go ice skating!

34. Plan your summer vacation. It will give you something to look forward to and get excited about!

35. Slow down and enjoy the beauty of winter?

36. Play board games with your family!

37. Read your Bible ? when our souls are hungry, they need God?s Word!

38. Curl up in a comfy quilt and enjoy a ?chick flick?! LOVE.

39. Play hide and seek inside with your kids! There is just no way to be sad during hide and seek. If you are, then I am coming to your house to get your silly-fied.

40. Try to catch snowflakes on your tongue!

41. Home-made pizza night is always fun at our house.

42. Go to a museum

43. Go to an aquarium (Atlanta?s is our favorite!)

43. Build a fort with blankets in the living room

44. Make a snow craft to measure the snow! Great idea for kids!

45. Create home-made snow globes ? Gorgeous!!!

46. Get a manicure / pedicure ? or do it the less expensive way (like me!) and do your own at home!

47. Have a silly dance party in the kitchen

48. Take a nap, snuggled with your kids

49. Go through family photos and make that album or scrapbook you have been putting off! (I?m talking to me?)

50. Hold an at home movie marathon! (If you have Amazon Prime, they have great movies you can stream for free at home!)

51. Bake cinnamon rolls ? yes, please!

52. Make a list of long-term goals for the year ahead and short-term goals you can do this week to get there?

53. Create a budget

54. Have a sleepover and play silly games!

55. Write a short story

56. Write letters to your kids

57. Have a treasure hunt at home! My kids LOVE this!

58. Read classic literature! Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, The Count of Monte Cristo, ? what?s on your list?

59. Play indoor baseball, bowling, or skiing on your Wii!

60. Clean out your closets and donate clothing to Goodwill.

61. ? or, have friends over for a fun clothing ?swap party?!

62. Host ?taco night? with a fun taco topping bar!

63. Join a book club

64. Actually MAKE something you pin on Pinterest! :)

65. Try one new recipe a week

66. Try knitting or embroidery!

67. Enjoy winter scented candles?

68. Build a snowman!

69. Embrace Kate Middleton?s classic, ladylike winter style in riding boots or even a cape!

70. Call an old friend you haven?t talked to in years and enjoy the time to reconnect!

71. Decorate your home with crisp, black tree branches, red berries, and white twinkling lights. Who says life after Christmas has to be boring?

72. Play a cozy date night with your hubby!

73. Go sledding

74. Decorate with winter subway art

75. Make your favorite Starbucks winter treats at home!

76. Create a bird feeder (from oranges!) and feed the birds

77. Use a bird watching book to recognize the birds with your children

78. Make a quilt

79. Eating lots of fruits and veggies will help your body stay healthy and avoid sickness!

80. Rent a cabin for the weekend and enjoy a family getaway

81. Create ?snow? play dough ? my kids will love this!!

82. Snowmen snacks! Healthy and adorable!

83. Snowman cupcakes would be perfect for a school party or a special treat!

84. Go camping ? in your living room! Put sleeping bags on the floor, tell stories in the dark, sleep in front of the fireplace ? my children LOVE this!

85. Make this snowman craft with your children.

86. Decorate your front door with a glittery snowflake wreath

87. Create a winter journal of one thing you love about winter each day (written or photos)

88. Buy a special winter mug that makes you feel happy when you drink from it

89. Start a new healthy hobby

90. Enter to win a giveaway! Everyone loves giveaways!!

91. Create hand-crafted jewelry at home

92. Go to the movies

93. Go bowling ? our family loves bowling! (In 17 years with my hubby, I have only won bowling ONE time? and he did happen to have a fractured bone in his wrist, but it still counts as a win, right?!)

94. Smooch on your hubby (this item?contributed by my hubby)

95. Bake cookies!

96. Set a reading goal for the month with your children and keep a reading log. Have a fun reward at the end of the month

97. Visit the donut shop!

98. Plan a Valentine?s day party

99. Make a list of projects to do in the spring

100. Take photos of your yard / house in the winter, and then again in the spring, summer, and fall and frame the collage!

101. Breathe?. rest in Him, cherish this day. It is a gift.

I?m so happy you are here and hope this post encourages you! For more encouragement, please be sure to subscribe for updates, giveaways, linky parties, and more!

Please add more ideas below and ?Share? this post if you enjoyed it! Thank you!





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