Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Soul Eater: Sonata of Souls(closed RP)

Name: (obvious)
Age: (Character's age)
Gender: (M/F)
Class: (demon weapon, meister, witch, werewolf, whatever)
Appearance: (Character's appearance)
Likes/Dislikes: (probably three of each)
Biography: (A small paragraph on your character's past)

Weapon Form/Meister Abilities/Talents/Magic:(If a weapon what form do you take. If a meister do you have any skills? etc etc)


Name: Vex
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Class: Demon Weapon
Appearance: Vex wears his usual day to day things. A black hoodie that had been ripped to jagged shreds just past his elbows the word 'NEVER' in blue thread was stitched on his right arm and 'REBEL' on his left. The stitching was in a few other places like the center of his hood and on the pocket, he wears black fingerless gloves to keep his hands from shredding when he uses his skills in free running to assist in the hunt of a Kishin Egg, his shorts are long and of a dark blue denim with similar style white stitching on an extra pair of cargo style pockets near his knees and held up by a fabric belt, the excess hanging off rather then tucked in. Vex's shoes are simple black and white shoes that had plenty of grip left on the bottom and shinigami skulls painted on the ankles. His most discernible features are his icy blue eyes with dark cirles under them and his crazy toothed grin, his hair when seen is a wild mohawk of sorts and generally has a bit of sweat in it.
-His nightmares
-his family
Biography: Vex comes from split up family where the weapon gene is extremely recessive. Even a trait like Vex's razor teeth hasn't been seen in generations. Only his grandfather knew about the blood trait. When his parents figured out he was a weapon around 8 years ago, they were afraid and sent him away. Shibusen took him in as a human weapon and trained him, Vex discovered many abilities including his hunger for souls leading him to be able to sniff them out. The biggest danger to his health is his insatiable hunger has led him to a want for power as well as a possible case of insanity. At Shibusen he was bad at pairing with meisters either they couldn't keep up or were put off by his attitude. So far his pairing with Alyx has been good, even leading to now Vex is a death scythe and his partner a 2* meister

Weapon Form: A scythe with a two pronged blade.


chanukah david archuleta david archuleta hobbit trailer greenhill nj plane crash plane crash new jersey

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