Monday, February 13, 2012

'Breaking Dawn - Part 2' Exclusive Clip Premieres

'I loved Bella's piercing red eyes ... I'm even more excited for 'Part 2' now,' fan Cynthia Rodriguez says of teaser debut at NYC Target store.
By Erin Strecker

Fans watch a clip from "Breaking Dawn - Part 2" at Target in Brooklyn, New York on Friday
Photo: Erin Strecker/ MTV News

Vampires may come out after dark, but there weren't any bloodsuckers at the Brooklyn, New York, Target store Friday night — just roughly a hundred women (and a few guys) who wanted to meet one. The crowd was anxiously waiting to pick up the DVD of "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1," which was released at midnight.

But it wasn't just the thrill of re-watching Bella and Edward's honeymoon that had these NYC Twi-hards — some of whom had been in line since 8 p.m. — bubbling with the kind of excitement normally reserved for a newborn vamp chasing his first kill. At 11 p.m., as promised, exclusive footage from "Breaking Dawn - Part 2" was shown for the first time at 500 Target stores nationwide.

"Part 1" may have featured a wedding, but the fandom wars over who should have Bella's heart were still raging on as the countdown to new footage began, with passionate discussions about Team Edward and Team Jacob popping up throughout the crowd. Friends Patrice Waite, 21, and Cynthia Rodriguez, 22, may not be able to agree on matters of vampire vs. werewolves, but the duo, who lovingly refer to themselves as "Team Switzerland," can agree that they are psyched to see "Part 2," even as they reminisced over "Part 1" scenes such as the romantic wedding and the intense birth of Renesmee.

"In a perfect world," Waite said, "the scene [I want to see tonight] would be when they are at the cottage, and they go all out [having sex], breaking walls and stuff."

"I want to see more of Renesmee [in Part 2]" Lauren Perciballi, 25, said. "I'm anxious to see how that works out because it's a vampire/human, so she's growing at a rapid pace. I'm interested to see the special effects behind that."

The actual clip may have been sex-and-Renesmee-free, but the five-minute-long tease certainly worked to entice fans gearing up for the premiere of "Part 2" next November. Aside from some behind-the-scenes shots of Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner preparing for battle in the woods, the full, exclusive-to-Target scene is from early on in the movie, when Bella discovers a note in a book with instructions from Alice, explaining what to do to get new passports. The clip showcases a heart-to-heart between Edward and Bella and features a swoon-worthy kiss that made the audience scream. The best part? Judging from fan reaction, it was the first shot of vampire Bella, whose red eyes and special-effect-aided speed definitely enticed Twi-hards to be even more excited for the next chapter in the saga.

"[The clip] was good," Waite said. "Of course, it was just a little clip, making us want more. I wasn't expecting that, but it was pretty good. I loved seeing [vampire Bella] zoom across the room."

Rodriguez agreed. "I loved Bella's piercing red eyes. I thought they did a good job [with the vampire stuff]. I'm even more excited for 'Part 2' now."

Not everyone at the event was a vampire lover though. Special sneak peek or not, the fandom wars continue on. While Kimberlee Imperato was excited about the special footage and loved newly vamped Bella, her daughter, 14-year-old BaileeAnn Darbasie, wasn't impressed. "[My mom] dragged me here," she explained. "I'm a Harry Potter fan."

Check out everything we've got on "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2."

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