Wednesday, February 29, 2012

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Home > FEATURES > Student weighs sacrifices and awards of having a big family Aundrea Vannier

Photo Credit: Courtney Minter

Senior Aundrea Vannier plays the card game, Hand and Foot, with her extended family on Saturday, Jan. 15. ?[Having a big family] is a lot of fun when we all get along but it can also get very hectic,? Vannier said.

Sarah Gonzales, managing editor
February 29, 2012
Filed under FEATURES

Waking up to a silent house is never possible for senior Aundrea Vannier. With seven siblings and living with four of them, life is never boring for the Vannier household.

Aundrea lives with her dad and stepmother along with Hope, 3, Ava, 6, Ian, 7 and Callie, 18. Her twin brothers, Mason and Ty, 12, live with her mom and stepfather in Iowa and her older sister, Ashley, 29, lives with her husband and two children in Iowa as well.

As with any family, Aundrea?s siblings can become annoying.

?They are all annoying, but it depends on which one is bugging me at the moment,? Aundrea said. ?They all annoy me in their own way, but I can?t stay mad at them.?

When arguments begin, Aundrea finds a simple way to cope.

?I usually try to pretend nothing is wrong,? Aundrea said. ?When I get away from everybody I just relax and forget. We argue every day, but we have few big blowout fights. We try to stay out of everyone?s ways.?

In big families, siblings bring some positives and negatives.

?The good thing about a big family is that each person has their own personality. As much as you don?t get along, you still love them no matter what,? Aundrea said. ?The not so good thing is that they are a lot to clean up after. With so many siblings it is so hard to just deal with them at once.?

Aundrea does not wish to have as many kids as her parents have had.

?I would definitely not want to have as many kids,? Aundrea said. ?I have helped out with [the kids] and I just don?t want to have that many. Also I wish my other siblings were closer so I could see them.?

While Aundrea helps out with her siblings, her family?s holiday traditions are not any different than families with fewer children.

?When other family members come in for the holidays, things get really busy,? Aundrea said. ?There is a lot of cooking going on, lots of games and laughter. Holidays are a good time.?

Aundrea gives some insight on having a bigger family versus having a smaller family.

?It?s hard for people with smaller families to understand how difficult it is to deal with younger siblings,? Aundrea said. ?With bigger families you usually have to help out more and with smaller families there is a lot less that you have to do.?

With all of the difficulties, Aundrea appreciates her large family size.

?Overall, I would say that, yeah, it?s good to have a big family,? Aundrea said. ?It can be frustrating at times, but its good that you have people you can relate to. Also, doing a lot of the little things together and watching little kids grow up is so much fun.?


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Rules to prevent car back-over deaths delayed

(AP) ? Rules aimed at helping drivers avoid unintentionally backing over children, already overdue, are being delayed again following complaints from automakers that requiring rearview video cameras systems on new cars and trucks would be too expensive.

In a letter to lawmakers, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said his department needs more time for "research and data analysis" before it can issue regulations.

"I believe it is important to allot additional time to ensure that the final rule is appropriate and the underlying analysis is robust," LaHood wrote Tuesday. The letter didn't mention the auto industry's concerns.

More than a year ago, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration proposed requiring improved driver rear visibility in new vehicles, a standard that in most cases would necessitate rear-mounted video cameras with in-vehicle display screens. The regulations were to be phased in, applying to all cars and light trucks by the 2014 model year.

The new rear visibility standard was required by a law that Congress passed in 2008 in response to dozens of accidents in which children were backed over. At issue in particular were blind zones in large sport utility vehicles and pickups.

Nearly 300 people are killed and 18,000 injured each year because of back-over accidents, according to NHTSA data. Many occur in driveways and parking lots. Nearly half the deaths involve children under age 5. The elderly also are frequent victims.

Lobbyists for the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers met with White House officials in December about the proposed rules. Documents brought to the meeting by lobbyists, and posted online by the White House, urged the administration to permit manufacturers the option of meeting the proposed visibility standard through expanded mirrors on vehicles rather than cameras.

The documents pegged the cost to the industry of requiring cameras at $2.7 billion annually. But they said allowing automakers to meet the standard with mirrors instead would cost about $1 billion.

"We had urged the government to explore all the options, including mirrors with a wider field of vision," Gloria Bergquist, vice president of the alliance, said in an interview. "There are a variety of tools that could be used. Certainly the rearview cameras are available, and many people are buying them, so it would give consumers more options in how much extra they paid for these technologies."

Clarence Ditlow, executive director of the Center for Auto Safety, a consumer group, said providing that flexibility is a bad idea, especially since it is people outside the car who are being killed and injured, not the drivers.

"Safety should be for all, not some," he said. "Sure, a mirror is going to be cheaper, but will a mirror get the job done? The answer is no."

Mirrors only work if drivers remember to use them, Ditlow said. But video camera systems that include sensors usually beep or make other audible warnings that alert drivers to the presence of a person behind the vehicle, he said.

The government estimated the video systems would add $159 to $203 to the cost of each new vehicle. But if the vehicle already has a built-in GPS screen, the cost could be as low as $58, Bergquist said.

Automakers are also concerned that the cumulative effect of federal safety regulations is driving up the average price of a new car, which is now about $25,000, she said.

About 45 percent of 2012 model cars have rearview cameras as standard equipment, according to, a safety group that championed the passage of the 2008 law. The cameras are an option on an additional 23 percent of models.

The 2008 law required the government to issue final rules to address back-over accidents by Feb. 28, 2011. LaHood extended that deadline twice previously.

In a majority of back-over accidents in which children were killed, the driver was a family member, according to KidsAndCars.

"The emotional tragedy is off the Richter scale," said Janette Fennell, president and founder of the group.

In a 2005 tragedy, Meredyth Bryant called to her 2-year-old daughter Annabelle to come out from behind a painting contractor's pickup truck in the driveway of the family's home near Richmond, Va., but it was too late. The contractor, who had no way to see the child, backed over Annabelle, killing her.

"These are very preventable accidents," Bryant said. "No one should have to die that way, especially an innocent child right in front of her mother."


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Pentagon admits dumping 9/11 remains in landfill

The disclosure that unidentified remains from the 9/11 attack were buried in a landfill was a small part of a larger report on problems at the military's mortuary at Dover, Del. NBC's Jim Miklaszewski reports.

By M. Alex Johnson,

Updated at 8:38 p.m ET: For the first time, the Defense Department acknowledged Tuesday that some cremated remains of victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks were dumped in a landfill, conduct the White House called "unacceptable."

The disclosure is just two paragraphs in an 86-page report released Tuesday by an independent task force?reviewing operations at the military's mortuary at Dover, Del.

In a contentious briefing for reporters at the Pentagon, retired Army Gen. John Abizaid, the head of the panel, tried to keep the focus on steps the military was taking going forward, saying the 9/11 findings were only a minor part of the task force's work.

Asked repeatedly for more information, he said, "We did not spend a great deal of time and effort and energy" on the matter, adding forcefully:?"It's my report, but it's not the focus of the report."

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta formed the task force in December after an investigation by the Air Force, which runs the facility, found that some remains of U.S. military personnel weren't handled "in accordance with procedures."

The Air Force acknowledged that it had disposed of the incinerated remains of at least 274 service members in the landfill before it ended the practice in 2008. At the time, officials said records went back only to 2003.

But the independent panel found that the practice went back at least to 2001, and it discovered that "several portions of remains" recovered from the 9/11 attacks at the Pentagon and at Shanksville, Pa., also ended up in a landfill:

Prior to 2008, portions of remains that could neither be tested nor identified, and portions of remains later identified that the [family or other representative] requested not to be notified of (requesting that they be appropriately disposed of) were cremated under contract at a civilian crematory and returned to [Dover]. This policy began shortly after September 11, 2001, when several portions of remains from the Pentagon attack and the Shanksville, Pennsylvania, crash site could not be tested or identified.

These cremated portions were then placed in sealed containers that were provided to a biomedical waste disposal contractor. Per the biomedical waste contract at that time, the contractor then transported these containers and incinerated them. The assumption on the part of [Dover] was that after final incineration nothing remained. A [Dover] management query found that there was some residual material following incineration and that the contractor was disposing of it in a landfill. The landfill disposition was not disclosed in the contractual disposal agreement.

Read the full report (.pdf)

Air Force Secretary Michael Donley and?the Air Force chief of staff, Gen. Norton Schwartz, said they hadn't yet had a chance to review the entire report.?

Erin A. Kirk-Cuomo/Defense Department

'It's my report, but it's not the focus of the report,' retired Gen. John Abizaid, chairman of the review panel, insisted.

"This is new information to me," Donley acknowledged when asked about the 9/11 victims by NBC News Pentagon correspondent Jim Miklaszewski. Schwartz, asked the same question, replied, "That's what I'm saying."

In a statement Tuesday night, the White House said President Barack Obama had been briefed on the findings and was determined that "these types of incidents never happen again."

Calling the report's details "unacceptable," the White House said, "The United States has a solemn obligation to compassionately and professionally care for fallen service members and their families, and those we tragically lost on 9/11."

Rep. Rush Holt, D-N.J., who has sought answers to what happened at Dover since last year, said the report bore out what he believed all along.

"I suspected, as Gen. Abizaid's panel has now confirmed, that these practices had been going on for many years. Even remains from the 9/11 terrorist attacks were treated in this way," Holt said in a statement to

"The Department of Defense needs to engage in some real soul-searching," Holt said. "How is it possible that, for years or even decades, no one at Dover recognized how profoundly inappropriate these practices were?"

'Commanders in name only'
Abizaid told reporters that the Air Force's complex command structure led to the problems by creating "commanders in name only."

But "this was not just an Air Force problem," he said, adding that the entire U.S. military "needs to understand this is a 100 percent no-fail mission."

For one thing, he said, the Dover facility should no longer cremate fallen troops, because?"we think it's a bad idea for DoD to be in the cremation business" in the first place.

The Dover facility is the first point of entry for U.S. service members who are killed or die overseas. It first came under investigation in 2010 after employees complained about how some cases were handled.

Investigators said last year that they had found no evidence that anyone intentionally mishandled the remains, but they concluded that the mortuary staff failed to "maintain accountability" with some remains.

"The standard is 100 percent accountability in every instance of this important mission," Schwartz?said at the time.?

"We can, and will, do better, and as a result of the allegations and investigation, our ability to care for our fallen warriors is now stronger,? he said.

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New Energy-Dense Battery Could Enable Long-Distance Electric Cars

envia-anode-scanning-electron-microscope-viewNOVEL ELECTRODE: By adding silicon to the anode, pictured here, among other improvements, Envia has more than doubled the energy density of current lithium-ion batteries. Image: Courtesy of Envia

NATIONAL HARBOR, Md.?A company founded in the Palo Alto public library has taken a dose of government money and technology and turned it into the most energy-dense battery ever. Envia System's new lithium-ion battery packs roughly twice as much energy per gram as present batteries, the company will announce here at the third annual summit of the Advanced Research Projects Agency?Energy (ARPA?e).

"We achieved 400 watt-hours per kilogram," explains materials scientist Sujeet Kumar, Envia co-founder and chief technology officer. "We have made a 40 ampere cell in a large format that automakers can recognize and use," and one that has been validated by independent energy density tests at the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Crane, Ind.

With a $4 million grant from ARPA?e, the Envia technology builds on work done at Argonne National Laboratory that found that including manganese in a mix of materials for the cathode?the electrode to which the lithium ions flock?better energy densities could be achieved. The team then switched focus to the anode?the electrode from which lithium ions flow to produce the electric current?and boosted its performance by incorporating silicon along with the typical graphite.

By blending silicon with carbon, the researchers claim to have gotten around the problems of silicon anodes that have disabled other batteries ability to charge and discharge time and time again. Simply put, silicon swells. "It will hardly last 10 cycles because of the high volumetric changes," admits Kumar. But by encasing it in a carbon coating?as well as interlacing carbon fibers?the Envia team argues it has surmounted that problem and its battery has cycled 400 times?and counting. "Even if the silicon pulverizes in the first cycle, connectivity is maintained through the carbon fibers," Kumar adds, though that impacts the voltage.

Then there is so-called "thermal runaway," an engineering euphemism for batteries bursting into flame?a persistent problem with energy-dense storage devices based on lithium-ion technology. This is particularly true in cars where batteries must undergo a test in which an 8-millimeter nail penetrates the battery at speed. Envia claims its batteries pass that test. "It's mainly that the cells are much thinner," Kumar says. "It's very easy to remove the heat," though it will be up to each individual automaker whether they want to employ air or liquid cooling of battery packs.

The slim, energy-dense batteries developed at an Envia center in China could reduce the number needed per car by half. And the batteries are cheap at $125 per kilowatt-hour, less than half what current batteries cost, an expense that contributes some 65 percent of the cost of an electric car. But, in addition to further independent testing, the Envia battery must now embark on the multi-year process of testing by actual car-makers. GM is an investor, but Envia declines to identify who is interested. "We are working with all the brand name [carmakers] around the world," says Atul Kapadia, Envia chairman and CEO. The idea is to either form joint ventures to produce the batteries in tandem or to license the technology to pre-existing partners.

But, assuming a single nail doesn't bring down the new technology, the battery could boost the range of electric vehicles, such as GM's Chevy Volt. The more watt-hours per kilogram, the farther an electric car can travel. That means a Nissan LEAF boasting Envia's batteries might be able to travel the 300 miles between St. Louis and Chicago on a single $10 charge, rather than the roughly 80 it can travel today. "We expect Envia's next generation lithium-ion battery will revolutionize the [electric vehicle] industry by eliminating the three remaining barriers to mass adoption: cost, range and safety," Kumar said in a statement announcing the breakthrough. "The ability to drive up to 300 miles on a single charge will eliminate 'range anxiety.'"


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Developing sustainable power

Developing sustainable power [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 28-Feb-2012
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Contact: Benedict Ilozor
Inderscience Publishers

The invention of a long-lasting incandescent light bulb in the 19th century spurred on the second wave of the industrial revolution, illuminating homes, extending leisure time and bringing us to the point today where many millions of people use a whole range of devices from mood lighting to audiovisual media centers, microwave ovens to fast-freeze ice makers, and allergy-reducing vacuum cleaners to high-speed broadband connected computers in their homes without a second thought.

However, the waves of the industrialization of the west have merely lapped at the shores of undeveloped regions and it is estimated that about a quarter of the world's population, particularly those in rural parts of the developing world do not have access to electricity in their homes. Indeed, four-fifths of those without domestic electricity live in rural or on the urban margins. In sub-Saharan Africa, the proportion is even more startling where just 8% of the rural population has access to electricity.

Those in the developing countries are thus keen to electrify and need stable sources of power to stimulate development and improve their standard of living. The developed world is gradually recognizing the environmental costs of widespread electricity use, yet has neither the right nor the authority to deprive the developing nations of power. There is a need, therefore, to provide 100% off-grid zero-energy solutions that require little or no government involvement and are low maintenance. This would allow the developing world to wade into the technology the developed world enjoys without making the same woefully polluting mistakes regarding unsustainable power generation that are now a global problem.

Benedict Ilozor and Mohammed Kama of the Eastern Michigan University, in Ypsilanti, USA, suggest that renewable energy is a viable option for electrical power in developing and emerging nations. Writing in the inaugural issue of the African Journal of Economic and Sustainable Development, they point out that in most of these nations, the demand for energy far exceeds the generating capacity. They suggests that a rapid response to this huge demand that is informed by social, political, economic, climatic and environmental factors must be put in place so that renewable, sustainable energy supply can be identified.

The researchers have undertaken a case study of Nigeria in West Africa, which is perhaps representative of the situation prevalent in most developing and emerging nations. They suggest that cost is the limiting factor and that communities and governments would be unable to subsidize neither the one-time installation costs nor the ongoing maintenance however low, for most renewable energy solutions. It is, they say up to the private sector and commercial banks, and perhaps charitable organizations, to fund the installation of wind turbines, solar panels and other renewable energy systems so that wealth-generating development can take place and standards of living raised quickly. They posit the idea of a renewable energy mortgage that would be paid back as the specific region developed and grew economically. There are many approaches to solar power, for instance, that could be implemented by individual households or small communities for domestic electricity as well as on a larger scale, while geothermal systems could be run to provide the power for cooling.


"Renewable energy sources for generation of electrical power in developing and emerging nations" in African Journal of Economic and Sustainable Development, 2012, 1, 67-79.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Developing sustainable power [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 28-Feb-2012
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Contact: Benedict Ilozor
Inderscience Publishers

The invention of a long-lasting incandescent light bulb in the 19th century spurred on the second wave of the industrial revolution, illuminating homes, extending leisure time and bringing us to the point today where many millions of people use a whole range of devices from mood lighting to audiovisual media centers, microwave ovens to fast-freeze ice makers, and allergy-reducing vacuum cleaners to high-speed broadband connected computers in their homes without a second thought.

However, the waves of the industrialization of the west have merely lapped at the shores of undeveloped regions and it is estimated that about a quarter of the world's population, particularly those in rural parts of the developing world do not have access to electricity in their homes. Indeed, four-fifths of those without domestic electricity live in rural or on the urban margins. In sub-Saharan Africa, the proportion is even more startling where just 8% of the rural population has access to electricity.

Those in the developing countries are thus keen to electrify and need stable sources of power to stimulate development and improve their standard of living. The developed world is gradually recognizing the environmental costs of widespread electricity use, yet has neither the right nor the authority to deprive the developing nations of power. There is a need, therefore, to provide 100% off-grid zero-energy solutions that require little or no government involvement and are low maintenance. This would allow the developing world to wade into the technology the developed world enjoys without making the same woefully polluting mistakes regarding unsustainable power generation that are now a global problem.

Benedict Ilozor and Mohammed Kama of the Eastern Michigan University, in Ypsilanti, USA, suggest that renewable energy is a viable option for electrical power in developing and emerging nations. Writing in the inaugural issue of the African Journal of Economic and Sustainable Development, they point out that in most of these nations, the demand for energy far exceeds the generating capacity. They suggests that a rapid response to this huge demand that is informed by social, political, economic, climatic and environmental factors must be put in place so that renewable, sustainable energy supply can be identified.

The researchers have undertaken a case study of Nigeria in West Africa, which is perhaps representative of the situation prevalent in most developing and emerging nations. They suggest that cost is the limiting factor and that communities and governments would be unable to subsidize neither the one-time installation costs nor the ongoing maintenance however low, for most renewable energy solutions. It is, they say up to the private sector and commercial banks, and perhaps charitable organizations, to fund the installation of wind turbines, solar panels and other renewable energy systems so that wealth-generating development can take place and standards of living raised quickly. They posit the idea of a renewable energy mortgage that would be paid back as the specific region developed and grew economically. There are many approaches to solar power, for instance, that could be implemented by individual households or small communities for domestic electricity as well as on a larger scale, while geothermal systems could be run to provide the power for cooling.


"Renewable energy sources for generation of electrical power in developing and emerging nations" in African Journal of Economic and Sustainable Development, 2012, 1, 67-79.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Window shutters - A strategy to boost the look of your house - DIME ...

???You are here: DIME Home > Home Improvement > Window shutters - A strategy to boost the look of your house

For all those who're tired of making use of curtains and drapes and would want a change can go for shutters. Shutters for windows are an excellent method to balance the brightness and dark inside your house.

Author: marcus russel
Date: Feb 27, 2012 - 1:02:37 AM

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For all those who're tired of making use of curtains and drapes and would want a change can go for shutters. Shutters for windows are an excellent method to balance the brightness and dark inside your house. Window shutters or wooden blinds are practical and long-lasting. They raise the value of the house. They present the perfect style and class that an owner looks in his house.

Shutters are anytime better than drapes. They offer insulation against noise to provide you with the very best comfort of being at home. Shutters were initially utilized by the persons living close to a busy road, but now it has develop into a huge trend amongst all home owners. Shutters aid in filtering the amount of light that enters a room. They may be incredibly easy to clean. Wooden blinds are widely common for their strength as they can last for a really long time. A suitable installation and care is really important.

If you have wooden furniture within your property it is possible to use the wooden blinds to improve the look. Wood looks very elegant in homes, so for those who would need to go about adding a pinch of elegance, class and style can go for the wooden blinds. These wooden shutters have the energy to attract attention of the guests coming to your home.

Shutters might help you in giving your home a classic look. You'll be able to find them in a wide variety of types and patterns. You are able to also find custom created exterior window shutters in the market. Your motive of getting shutters would be to defend yourself from the harsh summers and winters it is the top to get them with out a second believed. Throughout summers you can close them to keep the cool air inside plus protecting your furniture from sun. Even though in winters it is possible to close to stop the cold air from coming in plus the warm air from seeping out.

So if you're seeking forward to produce your house appear desirable or just wanting to stop the extremes of summer and winter, shutters are the very best for you. They'll not cost you a bomb so there is certainly no want for you to worry from the financial point of view. They may be accessible at a very affordable cost within the industry.

Today shutters are utilized not just at household but in addition inside the offices, hotels, and so on. unlike curtains and drapes, shutters don't call for washing or dry-cleaning. Just a fast flick using a duster would be sufficient. A good deal of builders make use in the window shutters to be able to boost the look in the creating.


There's a convenient way of purchasing shutters that could not merely save your time but will also save a good deal from your budget. On the internet shopping for shutters provide you with this benefit of shopping from the comfort of one's dwelling. You will find a whole lot of on the net retailers that provide a number of window shutters. So go on line and get the perfect shutters for your house.

Shutterspartners is author of this article on shutters. Find more information about shutters.


View all articles by marcus russel

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

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Is Flood Risk Really that Important? | NASDAQ Stock Exchange ...

?Currently, an estimated? that one in six properties in the Uk is within an area which is considered to be a flood risk..?? The Environmental? Agency data? on flood risk? show that out of these, 500,000 properties are located in areas that are considered as being a sizeable flood risk? (anticipated to rise to over 800,000 by 2035).?? The? two main reasons? for the rise in the areas regarded as being a flood risk area?? are? said to be? climate change and also the pressure on land use (particularly in the South East)? which means? that increasingly more new estates are now being built on flood plains- which are regarded as a major flood risk.

?Many householders are in for a rude awakening??

?The Statement of Principles

After horrendous floods in 2007,? the government came to an understanding with Insurance Providers, through the auspices of the Association of British Insurers (?ABI?),? whereby? the Insurance Companies agreed to continue to insure? properties in areas regarded as to be? flood risk areas? at ordinary market rate premiums and not make any rises in the premiums until 2013.?? To return the favour the government promised to? invest in strengthening flood defences in those flood risk areas.?? This was known as the ?Statement of Principals? and the intention was that the agreement could possibly be renewed in 2013.

According to the ABI, the promised government investment in flood defences? for? flood risk areas? has never materialised and in some cases the investment has been cut.??? If the government carries on along the same road there?s little or no chance that the Statement of Principals will be renewed.

What will this mean for your home if the area you live in is deemed to be a flood risk area?

If the Statement of Principles is not renewed by the ABI, around 200,000 homes? which are in flood risk areas ?could become uninsurable in just two years? time? whilst other home owners will face prohibitively expensive insurance premiums for merely sharing the same post code as the flood risk areas.

An uninsurable house is a house that?ll be extremely hard or else impossible to sell ? no mortgage company or bank will lend on it and if it can be sold, it?s going to sell for a price well below market value.

Currently there are indicators that insurance companies are already off-loading problem properties in flood risk areas or increasing the premiums and policy excesses.? Even today, certain Insurance Companies will not insure a home which is within 110 metres of water!?? The Home Or Property or the area doesn?t have to have had a past history of flooding in order for there to be difficulty in buying buildings insurance- it merely has to have been regarded as a flood risk area by the Environment Agency.?? An illustration is a dwelling which is eighty years old and has a fishing lake about 100 metres away behind.? Irrespective of there previously being no record of that area ever flooding ? 10% of insurance companies will not insure the home.

Presently there are people reporting that their house insurance has risen by two thirds? due to it being within an area considered to be a flood risk area, and they?re required to have excesses of around ?15,000 ? ?20,000.00

people in areas are deemed to be a flood risk area are beginning to struggle to find affordable insurance for their properties? and the situation will only get worse.

So, why do you have to be worried? ?

?Over the following two year period your buildings insurance policy is almost certainly going to increase greatly if you live in a area in danger of flooding- that is if you can aquire buildings insurance coverage at all!

If you cannot get buildings insurance ? you may not be able to sell your house and will as a result be unable to move or to remortgage or sell should you no longer be in a position to pay for the mortgage payments.? If you look to the value of your house to help keep you in old age ( and lots of people do), you may be in for a nasty suprise when you retire.


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Monday, February 27, 2012

Technologies for the Wireless Future: Wireless World Research ...

Klaus David

LINK: Download Technologies for the Wireless Future: Wi? eBook (PDF)

The third volume of the influential WWRF Book of Visions of research and trends in mobile communications has been fully updated. It includes three new chapters on flexible spectrum use, ultra-broadband convergent home-area networks, and the system concept. Visions from manufacturers, network operators, research institutes and academia from all over world are captured by the WWRF in one comprehensive single point of reference.
Technologies for the Wireless Future, Volume 3 describes the expectations and requirements of a user in the ?future wireless world? between 2010 and 2017. This will enable readers to prioritise research topics based on the provision of cost-effective solutions. This book is ideal for researchers from both academia and industry, as well as engineers, managers, strategists, and regulators.
WWRF has become highly influential on the future of wireless communication. You can see the evidence already, as many of the concepts described in the very first Book of Vision have been adopted in today?s wireless implementations. The organization brings together the long-range views of academia with the practical constraints and requirements of industry. This is a powerful combination.
Mark Pecen, Vice President, Research In Motion Limited
The WWRF Book of Vision series of books are an invaluable source of information for key thoughts and technology developments in wireless and mobile communication. The comprehensiveness and diversified nature of its research reports and results can prove to be a very useful tool in planning and developing the next generation network and services.
Bill Huang, General Manager, China Mobile Research
As mobile broadband becomes part of our daily lives, in the same way that mobile telephony has done, and helps us to support important issues such as health care, education and many other priorities, WWRF is again exploring the options for mobile and wireless systems in its? third edition of the Book of Visions. Earlier versions have helped to reach global consensus on research objectives, reduce investment risk and generate critical mass in research efforts. The third book of visions provides key insights into the international academic and commercial discussion on tomorrows? hot topics in mobile research!
H?kan Eriksson, Senior Vice President, CTO, Ericsson

LINK: Download Technologies for the Wireless Future: Wi? eBook (PDF)

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US says tax-related ID theft complaints on rise

(AP) ? The U.S. government says the number of identity theft complaints involving tax and wage fraud is soaring even as law enforcement tries to crack down.

Federal Trade Commission officials tell The Associated Press that 24 percent of the nearly 279,000 identity theft complaints it received last year came from people concerned their Social Security numbers had been stolen and used to fraudulently file for tax refunds or apply for jobs.

The agency says that's 8 percent more than the year before.

David Torok of the commission's Bureau of Consumer Protection says the trend has continued into 2012. The number of complaints filed with the FTC on any issue has risen from 35,000 a week to 50,000. He says most of the additional complaints are for tax and wage identity theft.

Associated Press


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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Atlanta Football Stars Advocate to Protect Youth Athletes ...

Atlanta Falcons athletes visited the state capital earlier this month in support of the ?Georgia Return to Play Act? of 2012. Among the football stars were former linebacker Buddy Curry, current kicker Matt Bryant, offensive lineman Andrew Jackson and wide receiver Kevin Cone. Speaking before the Health and Human Services committee of the Georgia State Legislature, Curry and Bryant expressed their own, as well as their team?s support of the bill. ?The most important thing in all of this, anything that you can do to improve the safety for the kids, (?) you find a way,? Bryant said.

A Bill to Protect Georgia?s Youth from TBI

The purpose of the bill, supported by Rep. Billy Mitchell, D-Stone Mountain, is to decrease the incidence of long-term brain injury following sports-related concussions. This goal would be achieved by requiring that information be provided to young athletes, parents, coaches and others about how to recognize and treat these commonplace but potentially fatal head injuries. Similar laws have been passed in 31 states and the District of Columbia.

Kenneth Edmonds, the NFL?s director of government relations and public policy, was also present. The NFL is currently being sued in a number of concussion-related cases. ?The NFL, as well as the Atlanta Falcons, strongly supports the Georgia?s Return to Play Act of 2012,? Edmonds said. ?We feel that it will help to prevent brain injuries and help make the recreational activities safer for young athletes throughout the state.?

Not All Fun and Games: Traumatic Brain Injuries in Youth Sports on the Rise

According to the CDC, traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) from sports and recreation activities are on the rise:

  • Trips to emergency rooms due to sports-related TBIs including concussions, have increased by 60 percent in the last decade.
  • Every year, an estimated 173,285 children and adolescents (up to 19-years-old) are treated in emergency rooms with sports and recreation-related TBIs.
  • Two to five high school football players die each fall as a result of on-field brain injuries.
  • Teenagers are more susceptible to severe reactions from receiving multiple hits to the head. Since young people?s brain tissue is still developing, successive head traumas are more likely to result in potentially fatal intensive swelling and brain bleeds.

As one might expect, contact sports are particularly dangerous for TBIs. According to the University of Pittsburg?s Neurological Surgery Department:

  • The likelihood of sustaining a concussion while playing a contact sport is estimated to be 19 percent per year of play.
  • 34 percent of college football players have had one concussion, and 20% have experienced multiple concussions.

These potentially dangerous injuries can happen anywhere, and even in sports not traditionally considered dangerous:

  • A national survey found that 31 percent of sports and recreation-related injuries occurred in a sports facility and 20 percent occurred in a school facility.
  • While males make up the majority of the cases of sports-related concussions, a recent study highlighted in The Chicago Tribune found that females are actually more prone to suffering concussions. Girls aged 10-19 suffered concussions most frequently while playing soccer or basketball, or while cycling.

What is a Concussion?

The CDC defines a concussion as ?a type of brain injury or TBI that is caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head that can change the way your brain normally works.? Blows to the body can also result in a concussion, by causing the head to rapidly move back and forth. Although most concussions occur without a loss of consciousness, they are still considered brain injuries and should be taken seriously.

According to neurologists at the University of Pittsburg, concussions can cause devastating neuropsychological impairments. Risk of serious long-term brain injury or even death increases with successive concussions. This is called ?second impact syndrome.? Athletes who suffer a second head trauma while still recovering from a previous concussion are particularly endangered. For this reason, recognition of symptoms and appropriate response to a concussion is crucial in preventing serious injury or death.

Signs and Symptoms

A useful fact sheet from the CDC describes signs and symptoms that may indicate a concussion:

  • Dazed or stunned appearance
  • Confusion
  • Clumsy movement
  • Slowed speech
  • Loss of consciousness (even if brief)
  • Personality changes
  • Forgetfulness
  • Headaches or feelings of ?pressure? in head
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Difficulty with balance
  • Double or blurry vision
  • Sensitivity to light and/or noise
  • Sluggishness or grogginess?

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, when athletes experience any of these symptoms after receiving a bump or blow to the head, they should refrain from playing sports until they receive clearance from a medical professional.

In recent years, however, the culture of youth and college athletics has grown increasingly competitive, oftentimes to the detriment of the players. When the health and safety of the players are valued less than team wins or ticket sales, young athletes suffer the consequences of debilitating injuries, and even death.?

Have You Or Someone You Love Suffered from a Sports-Related TBI?

If you or someone you care about has suffered from a TBI caused by injury in sports or otherwise, you may be eligible for compensation. Traumatic brain injuries can be physically, emotionally and financially draining. Don?t suffer alone. Contact us today and our experienced attorneys will provide you with a free consultation to determine whether pursuing legal action may be right for you.


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Friday, February 24, 2012

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23, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ ? Even with the stock market soaring, many Americans report they continue they still have reservations about investing in the stock market. Nearly four-in-ten (39 percent) US adults report they don't currently have any ?
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Thursday, February 23, 2012

CM9 Alpha 2 for the HP Touchpad brings video playback fixes, Netflix support

HP Touchpad

If you are looking for a way to repurpose that HP Touchpad that you got nice and cheap on the fire sale, you have probably been following the progress of the CM9 project pretty closely. The latest update, Alpha 2, brings better video support  which is a huge plus for many of us. Alpha 2 fixes choppy video that you may have previously seen, and also fixes apps like Netflix and others that rely on HTTP livestreaming to deliver content. If you are currently on one of the CM9 Alpha's you will want to be sure to update to this one, and if you have yet to check it out it may be a fun way to pass some time for yourself.

Source: RootzWiki


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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Moving Gracefully: A Guide to Relocating Yourself And Your Family ...

Moving Gracefully: A Guide to Relocating Yourself & Your Family

Moving Gracefully: A Guide to Relocating Yourself & Your Family

An easy-to-read, comprehensive guide which walks the reader through the entire moving process, from making the decision to move, through getting adjusted to new surroundings. It addresses local and distant moves, moving with children, moving with pets, and includes many helpful websites. The personal recollections and tips are insightful, engaging and well written; and the topics are well-researched and presented in a logical process. Even those who are experienced at relocating will learn something from this practical book.

How can you make your home look its best so it sells quickly? How do you select a great real estate salesperson and a reputable moving company? What things should you consider when looking for a new home? How much should you spend on the new house, and how do you determine what area to look in? How can you make the process easiest on your children? What do you need to do prior to the move? What should never go on the moving van? How can you best adjust yourself and your family and pets to your new surroundings? All these questions and more are answered in Moving Gracefully. It will become your bible for moving.An easy-to-read, comprehensive guide which walks the reader through the entire moving process, from making the decision to move, through getting adjusted to new surroundings. It addresses local and distant moves, moving with children, moving with pets, and includes many helpful websites. The personal recollections and tips are insightful, engaging and well written; and the topics are well-researched and presented in a logical process. Even those who are experienced at relocating will learn something from this practical book.

How can you make your home look its best so it sells quickly? How do you select a great real estate salesperson and a reputable moving company? What things should you consider when looking for a new home? How much should you spend on the new house, and how do you determine what area to look in? How can you make the process easiest on your children? What do you need to do prior to the move? What should never go on the moving van? How can you best adjust yourself and your family and pets to your new surroundings? All these questions and more are answered in Moving Gracefully. It will become your bible for moving.


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