Saturday, December 31, 2011

Ethiopia troops attack rebels in Somali town - residents

By Abdi Sheikh and Feisal Omar

MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Ethiopian troops captured a rebel-held town in central Somalia on Saturday, Addis Ababa and residents said, in a new front against the al Qaeda-linked militants who are seen as a threat to the region's stability.

The al Shabaab rebels said on Saturday they had repelled three Ethiopian assaults north of the town and then carried out a "planned withdrawal" from the settlement.

Both Ethiopia and Kenya have sent troops into Somalia to fight Islamist al Shabaab militants, following a wave of cross-border attacks and kidnappings Nairobi blamed on the rebels.

The reports suggested the militants were now facing opposition on three fronts.

Al Shabaab is fighting Kenyan troops in the south. African Union peacekeepers and Somali government soldiers have pushed the militants out of most of the capital Mogadishu. The Ethiopian assault marked a new push in central Somalia.

"Ethiopian troops are now in Baladwayne town. Al Shabaab fighters have run away," resident Osman Farah told Reuters.

"We were woken up by the shells of Ethiopian troops early in the morning. They attacked al Shabaab on the outskirts of the town. We cannot leave our houses. We can see Ethiopian troops from the cracks of our windows," he said.

Ethiopian government spokesman Bereket Simon said Ethiopian and Somali government forces had captured the town. ? Continued...


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The Arab League observer mission in Syria is likely to fail

Massacres have continued in Syria over the past few days, validating concerns that the Arab League observers wouldn't restrain a regime determined to use violence to hang on to power.

The dispatch of about 50 unarmed Arab League observers to Syria earlier this week has failed to quell the country's mounting violence. Syrian activists reported that at least 32 people were killed across the country today, with the worst violence just outside Damascus.

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In that incident, Syrian government security forces opened fire on protesters, sparking an hour of fighting that involved army defectors who have taken up arms against President Bashar al-Assad. The cities of Homs, Hama, and Daraa all witnessed killings.

That the observer mission is failing is hardly surprising. Mr. Assad has used extreme violence against his citizens to hold on to power for over six months now, and more recently, protesters have been fighting back. The Free Syrian Army, a group fighting against the regime, has taken responsibility for attacks on army convoys and military outposts in recent weeks, and appears to be gaining support. Some are warning that Syria could slide into civil war if the violence continues.?By some measures, it's already there.?At least 5,000 people have been killed so far, according to the United Nations, and there are now daily violent clashes over the question of who should run the country.

Unlike Egypt, where the military establishment was unwilling to plunge the nation into a civil war to save Hosni Mubarak, most of Assad's army has stayed on his side as he's ratcheted up the violence. And unlike the case of Libya, where international military support to oust Muammar Qaddafi was fast in coming, there is no political will at the moment for military intervention of any kind in Syria.

So to abandon the course of violence, at this point, would amount to giving up the hopes of keeping his family in power. That's the motivating impetus behind the regime's actions, and a handful of observers can do little to change that.

None of this is surprising. Activists were skeptical that the observers would accomplish much even as they arrived and events since have done little to dispel the impression of an?ineffectual?mission. The leader of the team, Gen. Mohammed Ahmad Al Dabi from Sudan, serves President Omar al-Bashir, who has been under indictment with the International Criminal Court in The Hague for war crimes since 2009.?General Dabi himself was accused in the late 1990s of organizing the Janaweed militia that carried out the worst massacres in Darfur.

Coming as he does from a government that is staunchly opposed to military intervention on humanitarian grounds, it's unlikely that Dabi will return with a report that stronger action should be taken, even if that's what it should say.?

He is unlikely to come back with a report that Assad is viciously cracking down and stronger action should be taken, given his own history

Writing in Foreign Policy, David Kenner described him as perhaps "the unlikeliest leader of a humanitarian mission the world has ever seen."

Amateur video of a protest in Homs today:


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US automakers revved up for the new year

Paul Sancya / AP

A line worker assembles an engine for a Ford Focus at the Ford Michigan Assembly plant in Wayne, Mich., earlier this month. Ford is hoping to seize back the midsize segment it once dominated.

By Paul A. Eisenstein, contributor

Ford is hoping history can repeat itself with the upcoming launch of the next-generation Fusion four-door.

It?s been more than a quarter century since the maker revolutionized automotive design with the original Taurus sedan. Its windswept styling helped Ford dominate the huge midsize market segment, and led most competitors to migrate to more aerodynamic designs. The new Fusion, which makes its debut at the Detroit Auto Show next month, will borrow many of the visual cues of the recent Ford Evos concept car and, if early reviews are any indication, could help the maker topple the imports that have dominated the midsize segment over the last two decades.

Ford isn?t alone seeing opportunity in one of the largest and most important segments of the U.S. market. Chevrolet is gunning to gain sales and market share with the new 2013 Malibu, while Chrysler will use the Detroit Auto Show to reveal the new Dart, the first major new product developed as part of the U.S. maker?s alliance with Italy?s Fiat SpA.

?We see the Americans coming out with a lot of product that?s not only new but very attention-grabbing,? says Aaron Bragman, a Detroit-based automotive analyst with IHS.

And it?s not just in the midsize segment, he adds. Detroit?s automakers are filling showrooms with an assortment of products that are decidedly more attractive and competitive than the market has seen in years, from the newly-updated Ford Escape crossover to Cadillac?s premium-luxury XTS and entry-luxury ATS sedans.

?It?s a lot of stuff that?s going to make it a lot more difficult for the Japanese to regain market share,? added Bragman.

That?s good news for the so-called Big Three, but a serious headache for Japan?s top-tier manufacturers. Toyota and Honda, in particular, are desperately counting on 2012 to bring a turnaround after several years of unexpected struggles. The outgoing year, in particular, saw them hammered by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami that all but shut down the Japanese auto industry, the two collectively falling about 1 million units short of original production 2011 production plans.

With dealers struggling for inventory sales were down sharply, Honda expected to end the year with a 1.5 point decline in market share, Toyota?s share plunging as much as 2.5 points. The Detroit makers, on the other hand, will end the year with roughly 47 percent of the market, a gain of about 2 percentage points. It will be the first year since 1998, in fact, that all of the Big Three will have posted gains.

The question, cautions analyst Bragman, ?is whether they can keep that momentum going??

The Japanese aren't intending to make it easy. They?re ramping up production as rapidly as possible. And they?re rolling out plenty of new product of their own ? but getting decidedly more mixed reviews than they might have anticipated in the past. The critical Honda Civic, for example, was panned by Consumer Reports magazine. The automaker now rushing an update to market as quickly as possible.

?Some of the sales results (for recent new models) have been quite a disappointment,? acknowledges Tetsuo Iwamura, CEO of American Honda.

Honda isn?t alone. The new Toyota Camry has generated a largely ho-hum response despite the most expensive ad campaign in the Japanese brand?s history.

Significantly, the two Asian automakers are now spending more money than ever on rebates, low-interest loans and other incentives? ? a distinct shift in direction for companies that used to lambast their Detroit competitors for having to give away their products.

Detroit makers are still putting plenty of ?cash on the hood,? but they?ve steadily cut back on the givebacks this past year as offerings like the compact Chevrolet Cruze and Ford Focus have clicked with consumers.

Even if the incentive wars heat up again, the domestic makers are in a better position to keep up with the competition thanks to recent contracts signed with the United Auto Workers Union. The typical UAW worker now makes a bit over $50 an hour in wages and benefits, down from more than $75 in 2007. Add other concessions and the savings amount to several thousand dollars a vehicle. That's a critical reason why Detroit?s collective profits for 2011 will likely top $10 billion after decades of devastating losses and the 2009 bankruptcies of General Motors and Chrysler.

On the other hand, Japanese makers have suffered from plunging earnings that are expected to remain in the doldrums for at least the near to mid-term. Complicating matters, the strong yen is not only slashing earnings but forcing companies like Honda and Toyota to shift production off the home islands.

While Detroit may be getting a bit of a reprieve from the relentless onslaught of the Japanese the Big Three can?t rest on 2011 results. Korean carmakers Hyundai and Kia have gained even more share at the expense of the Japanese and are showing a willingness to spend whatever it takes to become dominant global players.

And then there?s Volkswagen, which has shown a newfound strength in the U.S. It may end 2011 as the globe?s largest automaker, toppling troubled Toyota.

Indeed, Detroit can no longer afford to focus on just the American market. With China now a larger national market than the U.S., it is readily apparent that no single market can make or break ? or be allowed to make or break ? a manufacturer. That?s readily apparent when one considers that nearly two-thirds of GM sales now come from outside the States.

But the turnaround at home will nonetheless help, especially as the U.S. remains the world?s most profitable automotive market. So, if the Detroit makers can maintain the outgoing year?s momentum in 2012 they should be positioned for the comeback they have so long and so desperately sought.


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Thursday, December 29, 2011

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Boris Johnson looks to hold off Ken Livingstone in London mayor election

A clock on Ken Livingstone's campaign website counts down remorsely the days, hours, minutes and seconds to polling day in London, when about 5.8 million voters decide which candidate will be mayor and run the capital for the next four years.

But Livingstone, engaged in a longstanding campaign to use the rematch with London's Tory mayor, Boris Johnson, to wrest back the mayoralty, is struggling to make his strategy count as the latter outperforms his own party and his Labour rival.

Separate elections are being held on 3 May next year for London mayor and the 25-strong assembly. The next mayor to run a capital with a population of 7.8 million faces a number of challenges thrown up by economic and transport problems, as well as the summer riots and the dire shortage of affordable housing in a city where benefit changes will hit the poor particularly hard. The mayor will also get the prestige role of presiding over the 2012 Olympics.

Voting tendencies for the assembly polls tend to align more closely with national party share, but all eyes are on the razzmatazz of the mayoral contest. It is widely seen as a two-horse race involving a pair of larger than life characters with mayoral records to defend, known on first-name terms by the entire country, each willing to speak against the party line when needs must, with a mutual tendency to outpoll their parties.

A YouGov survey in June revealed that one in five people who would vote Labour in a general election said they planned to vote for Johnson next May. Those factors make Livingstone's line particularly difficult and there have been signs over the last year that his team is vacillating on the line of attack.

In September 2010 Livingstone used his victory speech on being selected Labour candidate over his rival, Oona King, to make clear he would fight on an anti-government ticket. Selected the day before Ed Miliband was declared party leader, Livingstone cast the mayoral race as a referendum on the coalition, by urging Londoners in a Labour-leaning city to "send a message" to David Cameron and George Osborne over spending cuts by "getting out Boris".

But this year Livingstone has concentrated on Johnson's record in office, casting the race as a "direct choice" between a candidate whose mission as mayor would be to protect Londoners from rising living costs, and an "out of touch" Conservative.

Tapping into the anger of those who think the banks and the City got off lightly following the 2008 crash, Livingstone has seized on Johnson's defence of the financial sector and his call for the 50p top rate of tax to be abolished, and set himself up as the man for the "99%" against "privileged" Johnson batting for the 1%.

But polling by ComRes in November indicated that attempts to portray the popular Tory as a privileged, out-of-touch toff were not working. Johnson had an eight-point lead over Livingstone (54% to 46%), when other candidates were stripped out, gaining a bigger winning margin than in the 2008 election, when he finished six percentage points ahead of Livingstone in the first-preference vote under the supplementary vote system.

The survey also showed the incumbent mayor to be the candidate most trusted on crime, the economy and policing, indicating he had earned credibility in running the city. His weakness was transport; on this Livingstone led as the most trusted, suggesting early gains following the promise to cut fares by 7% compared with Johnson's 5.6% fare rise.

Peter Kellner, president of YouGov, said these most recent findings underlined the need for Livingstone to "depersonalise" his campaign against Johnson and focus exclusively on policy.

Kellner said: "At the moment the Conservatives are doing a good job nationally for passing the blame for the economic failure on Labour, and Boris is doing a good job to distance himself from the more difficult things [in] the government.

"If the campaign is perceived to be personal between Ken and Boris then Boris will win. Ken had the personality votes in 2000 and 2004, but Boris has them now.

"If the campaign is to be about the future of London, transport, housing and the state of the economy, then I think Ken can win. But that depends on how the candidates behave, how the media behave and how voters perceive it. If Livingstone can get half that vote back he could win because London is, relative to the rest of the country, a Labour city."

But documents seen by the London Evening Standard last week suggest a return to the earlier line of attack. This follows media reports that Cameron told a private meeting of Tory MPs that winning a second-term Conservative mayoralty was his "number one priority" for 2012, aware his policies and the economic slowdown would be blamed if Johnson lost. The Livingstone idea is to "Tory-ise" the Boris brand, and cast him as a "true blue" Conservative whose re-election would be a boon to Cameron.

A document written by Simon Fletcher, Livingstone's former chief of staff and campaign manager, states: "Our campaign team need to use every opportunity to point out how being tied to the Tories is highly toxic for Boris Johnson with many voters ? and it is Cameron himself who is binding Johnson to his mast."

Tony Travers, director of the Greater London group at the London School of Economics, says a contest driven by popularity would make the result a close-run thing. But he says the notion of the mayoral race as a political test of the parties nationally, in the midterm of the Westminster parliament, risks causing more pain to Ed Miliband than Cameron.

Lord Mandelson recently became the most senior Labour figure to express concerns at Miliband's leadership performance and indicated that the Labour leader needed to show progress in 2012.

"There is more pressure for Miliband than David Cameron, in the sense that if Boris loses it will be seen as the midterm blues," says Travers. "If Ken doesn't win midterm in a coalition government, it will be worse for Miliband. The only real problem for Cameron would be that if Boris loses, he will try and get back into Westminster."

Other candidates also limbering up include Jenny Jones, the Green party candidate, and for the Liberal Democrats Brian Paddick, the former Met deputy assistant commissioner, who came third in the 2008 race. They are widely expected to use the race to raise their respective parties' profile for the more anonymous assembly elections.

Both leading candidates have their core teams firmly in place, with Lynton Crosby, the Australian political strategist who led Johnson's successful campaign in 2008, back in harness.

Crosby brought out the Conservative vote in the outer suburbs last time ? the so-called "doughnut strategy" reflecting the outer ring of the capital. He says Johnson has disproved those who said he was not up to the job or would prove to be a "hard-right Tory Thatcherite" in power. "People in London want a champion and I think Boris has shown himself to be a champion."

Crosby says Johnson has been in every borough across inner and outer London more often in four years than Ken had done in eight, a fact that had helped him connect to people whose votes weighed equally at the election.

Livingstone, however, is "quite confident" he can turn things around. His team have circled 3 January ? the date Johnson's fare rises kick in ? for a mass leafleting exercise contrasting the mayor's fare rises with Livingstone's Fare Deal pledge, which, he claims, will save Londoners ?1,000 on average over four years.

He insists this cut can be funded using the "operating surplus" budget sitting in TfL's coffers ? a claim flatly rejected by the body chaired by Johnson, which says every penny is accounted for with regard to improving London's transport system.

Livingstone believes the polls will change once people have to pay the new fares. "If you actually look at the polling and you plough through the poll, Boris is the only Tory in Britain who still has a positive popularity rating, but that's based on the fact that it's on the soft issues."

He adds: "Boris has refused to debate with me for three and a half years ? Once you hit the elections, where there's a detailed focus and people start to think 'what does this mean for me?', he can't get away with that."

On fares, Johnson retorts: "I think Londoners have heard twice before from that particular candidate promises to hold fares down, which were then flagrantly broken. So I take those promises with a pinch of salt, and if they were to be fulfilled, taking ?1bn off TfL's investment programme I think would be wrong for the city."

Asked whether he feels cheered by how the polls are heading before his own campaign has even started, Johnson wards off complacency by muttering that "polls come and polls go".

He lists commitments he has delivered for the capital as he sits on a new Routemaster bus ? a cleaner, greener, 21st-century version of the hop-on hop-off vehicle. Eight such buses will be on London's roads by late February.

"I'm going to fight very hard," says Johnson. "I think we've got a great record and I think if you look back at the things I said I would do and the things we've done, I think it's very considerable."


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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

China expects 11 percent industrial output growth in 2012 (Reuters)

BEIJING (Reuters) ? China's industrial output is expected to grow 11 percent for 2012, easing from an estimated 13.9 percent in 2011, China's industry minister said on Monday.

The forecast by Miao Wei, the Minister of Industry and Information Technology, will also serve as the official target for China's industrial output, China's state radio reported on its website (

Miao was quoted by the radio as saying that China's industrial development in 2012 "would not be optimistic" partly due to an uncertain global economy.

China's industrial sector has lost steam in recent months with annual industrial output growth falling to 12.4 percent in November from 13.2 percent in October and down from the year's high point of 15.1 percent in June.

The annual rise of China's industrial output, which covers enterprises with a minimum annual revenue of 20 million yuan ($3.16 million), is closely correlated with GDP growth in the world's second biggest economy.

An 11 percent annual expansion in industrial output is regarded by Beijing as appropriate to achieve an annual 8 percent GDP growth rate. Miao's ministry had an 11 percent target of industrial output growth for both 2010 and 2011.

China's latest five-year plan targets an average annual GDP growth rate of 7 percent over the five-year period, with industrial output targeted at 10 percent.

Huang Libin, a senior official with the industry ministry, said at an online briefing last month that China's factory output growth may hit 12-13 percent in 2012.


Miao said China would try to cut energy consumption for every yuan of industrial output by 5 percent in 2012, and cut water consumption by 7 percent.

According to China's state radio, Miao's ministry has decided to launch a number of new initiatives designed to safeguard the healthy development of China's economy.

The focus will be put on consolidation of key industries.

"We will launch implementation plans for mergers and acquisitions in sectors like steel, automobiles and cement," Miao was quoted as saying.

In addition, the ministry would try hard to boost the growth of strategic emerging industries and small industrial firms. ($1 = 6.3364 Chinese yuan)

(Reporting by Zhou Xin and Kevin Yao; Editing by Nick Edwards and Ramya Venugopal)


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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Obesity rise prompts Wash. ferries capacity change (AP)

SEATTLE ? The Washington state ferry service isn't going to start turning away hefty passengers, but it has had to reduce the capacity of the nation's largest ferry system because people have been packing on the pounds.

Coast Guard vessel stability rules that took effect nationwide Dec. 1 raised the estimated weight of the average adult passenger to 185 pounds from the previous 160 pounds, based on population information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

During the past 20 years, there has been a dramatic increase in obesity in the United States and about one-third of American adults are now considered obese, the CDC says on its website.

The state ferry system has complied with the new stability rules by simply reducing the listed capacity of its vessels, Coast Guard Lt. Eric Young said Wednesday.

"That has effectively reduced the amount of passengers by about 250 passengers or so depending on the particular ferry," said Young, who is based in Seattle. "They generally carry about 2,000, so it's down to 1,750 now."

With that many passengers, the ferry wouldn't tip over even if everyone ran to the side at the same time to look at a pod of killer whales, he said.

The state operates 23 white and green vessels on 10 routes across Puget Sound and through the San Juan Islands to British Columbia. Carrying more than 22 million passengers a year, it's the biggest ferry system in the United States and one of the four largest in the world, Coursey said.

The ferries themselves could be contributing to passenger girth. The galleys cater to customers looking for fast food they can eat while looking out the windows at the scenery and seagulls. Calorie counters typically aren't buying the hamburgers, hot dogs and chicken strips.

"We do serve light beer," said Peggy Wilkes who has worked 20 years for the food concessionaire, Olympic Cascade Services, which serves food and drinks on 12 of the state ferries.

News reports of overloaded ferries sinking in other parts of the world are sometimes a topic of discussion, she said.

"I think it's cool the Coast Guard is keeping up on that," she said. "Not that we overload them. A couple of times, like for a Seahawks game, we've had to cut off passengers and had to leave them at the dock."

Carol Johnston, who has been riding the state ferries since 1972, said she found the rule change perplexing.

"The ferries are not listing, they are not sinking," said Johnston, who was onboard a Seattle-bound ferry from Bainbridge Island Wednesday afternoon. "How are you going to establish how much weight there is on the ferry?"

Johnston worried about the potential loss in revenue, which could cause ferry fares to increase further. And she joked she may alter her eating habits.

"That means I will not have popcorn with my wine," Johnston said.

The reduced passenger capacity is unlikely to have much practical effect on the spacious ferries, system spokeswoman Marta Coursey said. The ferries often fill up with vehicles, but the number of passengers, especially walk-ons is seldom a problem, she said.

The new stability rules may have a bigger impact on the smaller charter fishing boats, such as those that take anglers fishing out of the Pacific Ocean ports of Westport and Ilwaco, Young said. Any vessel that carries more than six paying customers has to be inspected and certified by the Coast Guard as a passenger vessel.


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Monday, December 19, 2011

Rostock want sellout virtual crowd in closed doors match (Reuters)

BERLIN (Reuters) ? Hansa Rostock are hoping their German second-division match against Dynamo Dresden will be a sell-out Sunday even though they have been ordered to play behind closed doors.

Rostock, who are bottom of the table with one win from their 18 matches, were punished by the German FA (DFB) after crowd trouble marred their 3-1 defeat to St Pauli last month when eight police officers were injured.

As a result fans were banned from Sunday's game but they are still buying "virtual" tickets to limit the financial loss to the club which had been expected to run into hundreds of thousands of euros.

"Up to this point we have sold 3,224 virtual tickets and the number is rising every moment," a Rostock official told Reuters Friday.

She said in addition to the virtual tickets sold, thousands more season ticket holders and others who had bought their tickets for the game before the ban had refused to take a refund.

The stadium was to have a capacity of 24,000 for this game, down from 29,000 due to security restrictions in the clash of the East German clubs.

Every virtual fan will get a limited-edition sticker for the game while specially-made T-shirts are also on sale. Ticket prices range from five euros to 19.65 euros.

"We are delighted with the readiness of our loyal fans to stand by the club at this difficult moment," club boss Bernd Hofmann said in a statement. "We also thank them for all their ideas and proposals to back us financially."

(Reporting by Karolos Grohmann; Editing by Clare Fallon)


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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Denver forms committee to explore 2022 Olympics (AP)

DENVER ? The city of Denver is forming a committee that will look into bidding for the 2022 Winter Olympics.

The committee will present findings to mayor Michael Hancock and Gov. John Hickenlooper, who said Friday the idea of a bid is worth taking seriously.

The International Olympic Committee awarded the 1976 Winter Games to Denver, but the city later turned them down. IOC president Jacques Rogge said this year that the history would not have a bearing on a future Denver bid.

The Reno-Tahoe area is also considering making a run at the 2022 Games, though the U.S. Olympic Committee is not committed to backing an American bid; the USOC wants to resolve a revenue-sharing dispute with the IOC before committing to bids.


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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Fan's soccer-induced anxiety could kill her

Nigel Roddis / Reuters

Wolverhampton Wanderers' Ronald Zubar challenges Manchester United's Nani during their English Premier League soccer match in Manchester, on Dec. 10.

By Melissa Dahl

The stress of watching the final nail-biting minutes of a Manchester United match is enough to trigger life-threatening anxiety for one 58-year-old superfan, according to a new report published this week in the British Medical Journal.?

The woman experienced palpitations, panic, light-headedness and even a "sense of impending doom" toward the end of the most high-profile matches played on Man U's home turf at Old Trafford Stadium, particularly when the opposing teams were rival clubs like Chelsea or Manchester City. "On these occasions she considered leaving the stadium because she felt so unwell," write the authors of the report, including?Akbar Choudhry, who treated the woman. In contrast, when her beloved Red Devils were playing a team that didn't stand a chance, her symptoms became barely noticeable.?

As a result of her football?fanaticism, doctors were able to diagnose her with Addison's disease, which means her adrenal glands do not produce enough of their hormones, including cortisol. The drop in cortisol triggers an Addisonian crisis, a medical emergency that can be life-threatening.?

Addison's disease is difficult to diagnose, and as many as 60 percent of those with the disorder are seen by at least two clinicians before the diagnosis is even considered, according to the BMJ report. That's likely because the most visible symptoms include fatigue, lethargy and a mild depression, all of which are characteristics of many chronic conditions. But this woman's severe anxiety during high-stress games led her doctors to diagnose her with Addison's disease.?

Doctors treated the woman with cortisol replacement therapy -- fortunately for her, the start of her treatment happen to coincide with the start of Manchester United's 2011/12 season, allowing her to attend games without any Addison's symptoms.?"Luckily, the patient was on holiday for United's 6-1 defeat by local rivals Manchester City in October," Choudhry said in a report on


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Dan Greenshields: Responsible Holiday Spending

The holiday shopping season is in full swing. Millions of Americans are searching for that perfect gift for that special someone. But in the rush to pass along some of that good cheer, remember: enjoying the holidays doesn't require financial recklessness.

While often that may be a lesson that goes unheeded, this year, according to a recent ING Direct survey, Americans seem to have learned the pitfalls of piling up credit card debt. About three-quarters say they plan on using cash or debit cards to pay for holiday gifts instead of using credit cards.

So rather than breaking the bank and racking up credit card debt, the survey found that more than one-third of Americans say they are able to pay off holiday debt in one month or less, and just over one in 10 say it will take them more than two months to pay the holiday bills.

With continued economic turmoil cutting heavily into the income of average Americans, 2011 is the holiday season to be a smart shopper and budget-conscious consumer. According to data from the Census Bureau, median household income in this country dropped 6.7 percent between June 2009 and June 2011 -- from $53,518 to $49,909. A key to being a successful shopper with an eye on your bottom line is to recognize the value of long-lasting gifts instead of springing open the wallet on the latest holiday fad.

In response to an increase in spending, businesses are gearing up for a major jump in demand. The National Retail Federation is estimating a stunning $465.6 billion in holiday sales this year -- up 2.8 percent from 2010. Online retail sales alone are expected to jump 15 percent this winter over last and will total nearly $60 billion, according to Forrester Research.

Most ING Direct survey respondents -- 72 percent -- say they plan to spend the same or more than they did in past years. With that in mind, don't get swept up in the blind consumption. Be mindful of what you purchase and for what price. Being responsible doesn't mean going without good holiday cheer -- but it does take a little bit of planning.

For starters, don't rack up credit card debt. It is so tempting to put a big holiday purchase on plastic and promise to pay it off before the next billing cycle. Too often, that just doesn't happen.

Also, consider buying the gift of stock for your kids. It's an excellent way to introduce them to the world of finance. Pick a stock in a company that your child is likely to have an emotional connection to. Then commit to following that stock's performance over the course of 2012.

No matter if the stock price drops or increases, the real value is in familiarizing a young mind with the nature of finance. They're getting an early and fun opportunity to educate themselves in essential concepts like short-term vs. long-term gains, market volatility, etc.

In the long run, that knowledge will be much more valuable than some plastic gizmo they get bored of within a week of ripping off the wrapping paper.

The lack of financial literacy is a real problem among today's young people. One analysis from the non-profit National Jump$tart Coalition found that less than half of high school seniors grasp even basic financial concepts. And young, financially illiterate kids tend to grow into financially reckless adults. No doubt one big contributor to the country's huge debt problem today is that people weren't getting the financial education they needed during their formative years.

You can do your part to ensure that the children in your life don't fall into the ranks of the financially illiterate. Buy them some stock this winter and kick-start a life-long commitment to financial education.

Next, automate your investments and savings right now -- before the real holiday spending surge. If you haven't done so already, fill out the paperwork with your employer to have a preset slice of your salary diverted to your retirement and savings account every pay cycle Do your future self a favor.

And any money you automatically invest could grow by this time next year. Over the long term, stocks will still be a good investment. Instead of racking up more disposable and instantly forgettable holiday treats, you'll be building an asset that can provide financial security for you and your family for decades to come.

You don't need to be a scrooge to retain financial responsibility this holiday season. You can still buy gifts for those you love while making sure you'll be in a strong shape money-wise come January.

Dan Greenshields, CFA, is President of ING DIRECT Investing, a subsidiary of ING Bank, fsb.



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Friday, December 16, 2011

Does caffeine enhance exercise performance? The debate continues

Does caffeine enhance exercise performance? The debate continues [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 14-Dec-2011
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Contact: Vicki Cohn
Mary Ann Liebert, Inc./Genetic Engineering News

New Rochelle, NY, December 14, 2011Caffeine is regarded by some as being a potent stimulant, but the debate continues as to whether it enhances exercise performance. A range of expert opinions capture the scope of this ongoing debate in an informative roundtable discussion published in Journal of Caffeine Research, a quarterly peer-reviewed journal from Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. The roundtable discussion is available online at

Led by Journal of Caffeine Research Editor-in-Chief Jack E. James, PhD, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland, the roundtable "Caffeine and Physical Performance" presents a range of views on the extent to which caffeine may enhance athletic performance. While the participants appear to agree that caffeine is likely to have performance-enhancing effects and seems to have the broadest effects of known stimulants for enhancing performance and endurance, they emphasize that the study data have been mixed. Many factors can affect caffeine's impact on performance, including the type of exercise or sport and whether it is aerobic or anaerobic, caffeine dosing, the use of other stimulants (poly-supplementation), and the length of rest intervals. Additional studies are needed to understand what factors can boost or inhibit the effects of caffeine and why some people may achieve enhanced performance with caffeine while others will not.

A research article in that same issue by Richard Bloomer, PhD and colleagues, Cardiorespiratory/Metabolic Laboratory, University of Memphis, looks specifically at the effects of caffeine and 1,3-dimethylamylamine (1,3-D, a natural stimulant derived from geranium flowers) on exercise performance. The researchers compared the effects of these stimulants, taken alone or in combination, on run times by participants in a 10-kilometer run.


Journal of Caffeine Research: The International Multidisciplinary Journal of Caffeine Science covers the effects of caffeine on a wide range of diseases and conditions, including mood disorders, neurological disorders, cognitive performance, cardiovascular disease, and sports performance. The Journal explores all aspects of caffeine science, including the biochemistry of caffeine; its effects on the human body; benefits, dangers, and contraindications; and caffeine addiction and withdrawal, across all stages of the human life span from prenatal exposure to end-of-life.

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. is a privately held, fully integrated media company known for establishing authoritative peer-reviewed journals in many promising areas of science and biomedical research, including Journal of Medicinal Food, Journal of Neurotrauma, and Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology. Its biotechnology trade magazine, Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News (GEN), was the first in its field and is today the industry's most widely read publication worldwide. A complete list of the firm's 70 journals, books, and newsmagazines is available on our website at

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. 140 Huguenot Street, New Rochelle, NY 10801-5215
Phone (914) 740-2100 (800) M-LIEBERT Fax (914) 740-2101

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Does caffeine enhance exercise performance? The debate continues [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 14-Dec-2011
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Contact: Vicki Cohn
Mary Ann Liebert, Inc./Genetic Engineering News

New Rochelle, NY, December 14, 2011Caffeine is regarded by some as being a potent stimulant, but the debate continues as to whether it enhances exercise performance. A range of expert opinions capture the scope of this ongoing debate in an informative roundtable discussion published in Journal of Caffeine Research, a quarterly peer-reviewed journal from Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. The roundtable discussion is available online at

Led by Journal of Caffeine Research Editor-in-Chief Jack E. James, PhD, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland, the roundtable "Caffeine and Physical Performance" presents a range of views on the extent to which caffeine may enhance athletic performance. While the participants appear to agree that caffeine is likely to have performance-enhancing effects and seems to have the broadest effects of known stimulants for enhancing performance and endurance, they emphasize that the study data have been mixed. Many factors can affect caffeine's impact on performance, including the type of exercise or sport and whether it is aerobic or anaerobic, caffeine dosing, the use of other stimulants (poly-supplementation), and the length of rest intervals. Additional studies are needed to understand what factors can boost or inhibit the effects of caffeine and why some people may achieve enhanced performance with caffeine while others will not.

A research article in that same issue by Richard Bloomer, PhD and colleagues, Cardiorespiratory/Metabolic Laboratory, University of Memphis, looks specifically at the effects of caffeine and 1,3-dimethylamylamine (1,3-D, a natural stimulant derived from geranium flowers) on exercise performance. The researchers compared the effects of these stimulants, taken alone or in combination, on run times by participants in a 10-kilometer run.


Journal of Caffeine Research: The International Multidisciplinary Journal of Caffeine Science covers the effects of caffeine on a wide range of diseases and conditions, including mood disorders, neurological disorders, cognitive performance, cardiovascular disease, and sports performance. The Journal explores all aspects of caffeine science, including the biochemistry of caffeine; its effects on the human body; benefits, dangers, and contraindications; and caffeine addiction and withdrawal, across all stages of the human life span from prenatal exposure to end-of-life.

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. is a privately held, fully integrated media company known for establishing authoritative peer-reviewed journals in many promising areas of science and biomedical research, including Journal of Medicinal Food, Journal of Neurotrauma, and Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology. Its biotechnology trade magazine, Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News (GEN), was the first in its field and is today the industry's most widely read publication worldwide. A complete list of the firm's 70 journals, books, and newsmagazines is available on our website at

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. 140 Huguenot Street, New Rochelle, NY 10801-5215
Phone (914) 740-2100 (800) M-LIEBERT Fax (914) 740-2101

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Campus briefs for Southern Utah University, University of Utah, and Salt Lake Community

Published: Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2011 11:32 p.m. MST


GYMNASTICS: The team finished the 2011 season second in the nation in academics with 12 gymnasts earning NACGC/W academic all-American citations. The Thunderbirds finished the 2011 season with a team GPA of 3.8050, second only to Southeast Missouri State which finished with a 3.9118.

"When you can finish in the top three in academics it is a great thing," head coach Scott Bauman said. "We expect to be up there every year and expect a lot out of our girls. It really reflects on the student-athletes that we bring into our program, we want kinds who are great gymnasts and great academically."

The Thunderbirds haven't finished lower than third during Bauman's 21 years at Southern Utah University, earning the academic national championship 11 times.

Southern Utah finished first in the state, ahead of Utah (third, 3.7631), Utah State (19th, 3.4489) and Brigham Young (60th, 3.0171). Other Western Athletic Conference schools appearing in the list included San Jose State (25th, 3.4167), Boise State (41st, 3.2859) and Sacramento State (50th, 3.2570).

Three of the Thunderbirds' individual recipients earned a 4.0 during the final semester of 2011, including Lindsey Schultz, Ari Lamb and Caitlin Kennedy. Five more were right behind with GPA's over a 3.9, including Jenna Vogt (3.92), Jennifer Nguyen (3.92), Rebecca Moore (3.96), Lauren Jeffrey (3.94) and Shannon Coughlin (3.97). Bailey Pendley (3.84), Brooke Cersosimo (3.88), Michaela Chernoch (3.59) and Anna Schumacher (3.83) rounded out the list.

SUU gymnastics is preparing to open its 2012 season when the team hosts the University of Missouri on January 13. Fans will be able to get an early peak of the team when the Thunderbirds host the Red/White Preview on January 10. Both events are scheduled to take place in the Centrum Arena at 7:00 p.m.


SKIING: Special Olympics Utah will host its annual Shred the Edge event, formally known as Ski for Gold, at Brighton Resort in Big Cottonwood Canyon this Saturday.

Special Olympics Utah invites the community to participate in this ski and snowboarding fund raising event. The University of Utah ski team will join Special Olympics athletes, teams and donors on the mountain for a day of powder, competition and prizes.

All skiers and snowboarders can sign up as individuals or with friends and family at With a $50 donation (per person), each participant will receive a free ski pass for the day. Additional prizes are available to those who raise or donate $100 or more. Prizes include Skullcandy earbuds, embroidered beanies, lunch at the lodge, a Harmons gift certificate, free day passes to Brighton and entrance into the Grand Prize Drawing to win a ski trip to Big Sky Resort in Montana this winter.


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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

China begins to admit 'fog' is really smog

Chinese are growing more outspoken about the "fog," now accurately calling it "smog," covering cities like Beijing.

By Adrienne Mong

BEIJING?While China?s chief climate negotiator is getting rock star treatment at the Durban climate summit this week, his peers back in the capital are suffering a third straight day of foul air.

As a leading Canadian newspaper put it, China provided ?the few glimmers of hope at the stalled negotiations? in Durban, where "photographers and television journalists swarmed around the chief Chinese negotiator, Xie Zhenhua, as he entered a news conference on Monday to announce his list of conditions for considering a legally binding treaty on carbon emissions after 2020."

It seems that despite being the world's biggest carbon emitter, China could be the key to a deal on a legally binding agreement to reduce emissions.

However, not many glimmers of hope could be spotted back home.

From the China Daily website

A grid image posted on the China Daily newspaper showing the dramatic changes in air quality in Beijing in the past four days.

A persistent 'fog'
The Chinese state-run print media all ran headline stories Tuesday morning on the persistent "fog" that has blanketed Beijing and parts of the country?s northeast since the weekend.?(See video above of the "hazardous" level of smog on Monday).

Much of the coverage focused on the hundreds of flights cancelled at the Beijing Capital International airport?the world?s second busiest hub?or the rising and very vocal concerns about air pollution.? Some local reports referred to sales of air filter masks and air filter machines spiking in the past week.

Still more reports tried to cast the air pollution issue as one of sovereignty.? "The heavy fog or smog that has shrouded Beijing in the past couple of days has triggered a renewed round of debate over the different air pollution standards applied by China and the United States," said an opinion piece in the Global Times, a state-run newspaper with a strong nationalist overtone.

But at least these same newspapers are now calling it "smog" rather than "fog," as they were just a day ago.? The China Daily, another state-run newspaper, ran a headline on page 3 crying, "Exposure to smog is severe hazard."? Later in the day, the paper?s web site posted four stark images of the same location showing changes in air visibility.?(See photo above).?The images are pretty staggering.

Only 13 days of 'good' air this year so far

And as we write this, the ever-trusty and ever-reliable @BeijingAir Twitter feed has been down five hours, prompting followers to wonder whether the pollution has finally gotten to the air quality index monitor that lives on top of the U.S. Embassy in Beijing.

Post by @TomVandeWeghe

An image of an iPhone app circulating on Twitter this afternoon, showing the @BeijingAir monitor out of commission.

A sobering analysis of the @BeijingAir feed can be found in this post by China Dialogue, which notes that the improvements in air quality claimed by officials at the Beijing Environmental Protection Bureau "are due to irregularities in the monitoring and reporting of air quality ? and not to less polluted air."

Moreover, based on the analysis using the @BeijingAir data, this year there have?only?been?13 days of "good" air quality.?

Buried further amidst the quantitative data was one more alarming point: "?if Beijing?s fine particulate concentration even reached the polluted levels of Los Angeles, life expectancy may increase by over five years."

We at NBC News Beijing are trying to claw back a few months to our life span.? We have just taken delivery of two air filter machines for the bureau.


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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Agents looked for porn in search of Bernie Fine's properties (Reuters)

NEW YORK (Reuters) ? Federal agents searched the home and office of former Syracuse basketball coach Bernie Fine last month for pornographic materials and items detailing his relationships with young boys, court records showed.

A federal judge in Syracuse on Monday unsealed four search warrants executed on three days in late November related to Fine, the former Syracuse assistant basketball coach accused of fondling ball boys working with the highly ranked college team.

The search warrants showed that agents looking for items including pornography "that could have been used to sexually arouse or groom young males to engage in sex acts" had seized cell phones, iPads, computers, handheld electronics and more than 400 CDs, DVDs and VHS tapes.

Three men have accused Fine of sexually abusing them when they were juveniles, and a grand jury is looking into the allegations. Fine, who has not been charged with any crime, has called the accusations "patently false in every aspect."

Fine was fired after ESPN aired audio of what it said was a telephone call between Fine's wife Laurie and an alleged victim in which she appeared to admit knowledge of the alleged abuse.

The Syracuse allegations have been compared to the Penn State scandal, in which an assistant football coach was charged with abusing eight boys over 15 years. That scandal led to the dismissal of the university president and legendary coach Joe Paterno for failure to tell police about the alleged abuse.

In the Syracuse case, agents conducting searches had looked for all records detailing Fine's "present or past association, contact, and/or activities with minor males." That includes young boys that have stayed over at his home in the past, one warrant said.

Some of the records seized from Fine included bank statements, travel receipts, checks and several photos and film. Aside from searches at Fine's home and office, a warrant was also granted to search three of his safety deposit boxes at two banks where several documents were seized.

Officials at the U.S. Attorney's office could not be reached for comment to discuss what the seized items revealed. Fine's attorneys could also not be reached for comment.

A judge ordered the search warrants unsealed on Monday after several reporters petitioned for their release.

A grand jury is investigating accusations that Fine molested a former ball boy, Bobby Davis, 39, and Davis's stepbrother Mike Lang, 45, when they were juveniles. Lang has said in a CNN interview that Fine touched him inappropriately as a child at least 30-40 times.

There is no evidence so far that head Syracuse coach Jim Boeheim knew of the alleged abuse.

Police in Pittsburgh said they were also working with the U.S. Attorney's office in Northern New York regarding allegations by a third accuser, Zach Tomaselli, 23, who told Reuters Fine tried to fondle him and make him watch pornography at a hotel in 2002 when he was 13.

Federal authorities took the lead in the Fine investigation after questions were raised about how vigorously the Syracuse police pursued a tip nine years ago.

(Editing by Cynthia Johnston)


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'Laugh-In' comic actor Alan Sues dies at 85

(AP) ? Alan Sues, who brought his flamboyant and over-the-top comic persona to the hit television show "Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In" in the 1960s and 1970s, has died, a close friend said Sunday night.

Sues died of cardiac arrest on Thursday at his home in West Hollywood, Michael Gregg Michaud, a friend since 1975, told The Associated Press.

"He was sitting in a recliner watching TV with his dachshund Doris who he loved in his lap," Michaud said.

Sues had various health problems in the last several years, but the death came as a shock to friends, Michaud said. He was 85.

A native Californian who moved to New York in 1952, Sues began his career as a serious actor and in 1953 appeared in director Elia Kazan's "Tea and Sympathy" on Broadway.

But he would be remembered for his wild comic characters.

They included "Big Al," an effeminate sportscaster, and "Uncle Al the Kiddies Pal," a hung-over children's show host, on "Laugh-In," the TV phenomenon that both reflected and mocked the era's counterculture and made stars of Goldie Hawn, Lily Tomlin and many others.

Sues also donned tights as the commercial spokesman for Peter Pan peanut butter, and appeared in the popular 1964 "Twilight Zone" episode "The Masks."

Fellow cast members and crew from "Laugh-In" remembered him as even more entertaining behind the scenes.

"Alan Sues was one of those guys even funnier in person than on camera," Ruth Buzzi, a co-star who appeared in many skits with Sues, said on her Twitter account. "Across a dinner table, over the phone ... hysterical. We'll miss him."

Executive producer George Schlatter, who would eventually bring Sues to "Laugh-In" after seeing him alongside future co-star Jo Anne Worley in the Off-Broadway comedy "The Mad Show," said Sues was "a free spirit," an "outrageous human being" and "a love child."

"He was a delight; he was an upper," Schlatter told the Los Angeles Times, which first reported the death. "He walked on the stage and everybody just felt happy."

Sues would always be best known for "Laugh-In," which he left in 1972 before its final season.

But Michaud said the Peter Pan spots brought Sues nearly as much recognition in later years.

And he said the "Twilight Zone" episode brought him appearances at sci-fi and autograph conventions for decades.

"Fans of 'The Twilight Zone' are cuckoo," Michaud said.

Michaud said that while Sues was always cast as the stereotypically gay character, he believed he needed to hide his own gay identity during his years on television.

"He felt like he couldn't publicly come out," Michaud said. "He felt like people wouldn't accept him."

Sues was grateful for "Laugh-In," but wasn't happy he was typecast in his comic persona as he sought to return to more serious acting.

He got one chance that he cherished in 1975, the serious role of Moriarty with the Royal Shakespeare Company in "Sherlock Holmes" on Broadway.

He stayed with the show until it closed the following year, then went out to perform it with the touring company.

In later years he would make many more theater appearances, do voiceover work for television, and appear in guest spots on TV series like "Punky Brewster" and "Sabrina the Teenage Witch."

Sues is survived by a sister-in-law, two nieces and a nephew.

There were no immediate plans for a memorial.

Associated Press


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Monday, December 5, 2011

An American Indian Physician Discusses Cancer in Indian Country ...

0 An American Indian Physician Discusses Cancer in Indian Country and the Spirit of Eagles Program

Dr. Judith Kaur, an American Indian physician and Medical Director of Native American Programs at the Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center, speaks about visiting reservations to help American Indian and Alaskan Native communities discuss cancer and treatment.

Meanwhile, she highlights her work with the Mayo Clinic and the Spirit of Eagles, an American Indian/Alaska Native leadership initiative on cancer. ?I think the emphasis on health and wellness, not disease and dying, is what is unique about our philosophy. It?s finding that balance, that spiritual core. That?s what the Spirit of Eagles symbolism means?there?s strength, spirituality, health, healing, and that?s what our communities need,? Dr. Kaur says.


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93% Hugo

All Critics (153) | Top Critics (38) | Fresh (143) | Rotten (10)

Scorsese transforms this innocent tale into an ardent love letter to the cinema and a moving plea for film preservation.

'Hugo': Scorsese's humbling hommage to his favorite art

Thematic potency and cinematic virtuosity -- the production was designed by Dante Ferretti and photographed by Robert Richardson -- can't conceal a deadly inertness at the film's core.

For all the wizardry on display, Hugo often feels like a film about magic instead of a magical film...

I have seen the future of 3-D moviemaking, and it belongs to Martin Scorsese, unlikely as that may sound.

It's a fairy tale for mature viewers, but the airy exterior hides emotional depth.

Director Martin Scorsese brings us an enchanting Christmas gift ... a marvelously inventive and inspiring 3-D film that has a heartfelt holiday message.

'Hugo' was an amazing cinematic experience for me, even though I'm not a 3-D fan.

Hugo is a master filmmaker's gift to children. It teaches, in an age-appropriate way, why movies are important and why it's essential that we take care of them. One of Scorsese's best!

Opulent, dazzling, enchanting screen adaptation of a beloved children's book. It's family-friendly fun.

( ... ) goose down floating around the set takes Scorsese's hard-hitting career into soft new dimensions

Leave it to Martin Scorsese to use 3-D not as a gimmick, but as a means of drawing us into a unique and magical environment...

The lesson to be learned is that [Scorsese] should stick to what he knows best, for Hugo won't appeal to anyone, least of all kids.

The on-screen craftsmanship is impeccable, from Robert Richardson's stunning cinematography to Dante Ferretti's production design and Sandy Powell's costumes.

Hugo is cinema shining a light reverently up its own fundament.

A dreamy triumph for Scorsese

The film demands patience from children and adults alike -- in fact, it's simply too slow for young viewers -- but like great literature, if you immerse yourself in it, the rewards are plentiful.

As a crazy mix of Cinema Paradiso, Cronos and David Copperfield it's unusually stimulating family fare.

The man responsible for Raging Bull, Taxi Driver and GoodFellas has tackled his first family film. Not only that: it's in 3-D, and a must-see for anyone who loves cinema.

The heart-shaped story may be the key that sets Hugo in motion, but this rediscovery of the cin?ma de papa is most memorable for its technical wizardry and astonishing visual trickery.

Hugo's best moments are those that aren't actually Hugo.

It is glorious to be thrown and blown about in this make-believe metropolis. The digitally enhanced shapes and colours suggest Jeunet and Caro reworked by a polychromatic Piranesi.

As soon as the lights went up in the theater, I told my viewing companions that I honestly felt that seeing the film was a privilege.

[T]here's certainly much to admire here... [but] Hugo feels like two very different films inelegantly spliced together...

It's possible to see the attraction, but when people break into applause over the credits, some are going to be left cold.

More Critic Reviews


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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Jay-Z provides the blueprint for college course (AP)

WASHINGTON ? Michael Eric Dyson parses Jay-Z's lyrics as if analyzing fine literature. The rapper's riffs on luxury cars and tailored clothes and boasts of being the "Mike Jordan of recording" may make for catchy rhymes, but to Dyson, they also reflect incisive social commentary.

Dyson, a professor, author, radio host and television personality, has offered at Georgetown University this semester a popular ? if unusual ? class dedicated to Jay-Z and his career. The course, "Sociology of Hip Hop: Jay-Z," may seem an unlikely offering at a Jesuit, majority-white school that counts former President Bill Clinton among its alumni. But Dyson insists that his class confronts topics present in any sociology course: racial and gender identity, sexuality, capitalism and economic inequality.

"It just happens to have an interesting object of engagement in Jay-Z ? and what better way to meet people where they are?" Dyson said. "It's like Jesus talking to the woman at the well. You ask for a drink of water, then you get into some theological discussions."

Classes centered on pop culture superstars like Bruce Springsteen have sprouted on college campuses in recent years; Dyson himself says he's previously taught classes on Tupac Shakur and Marvin Gaye at the University of Pennsylvania. He says Jay-Z, whose real name is Shawn Carter, is a worthy subject because of his diversity of business interests ? a clothing entrepreneur, he's also a part owner of the NBA's New Jersey Nets (soon to move to his native New York borough of Brooklyn) ? as well as his immense cross-cultural appeal and "lyrical prowess" in articulating contemporary black culture and his place in it.

"I think he's an icon of American excellence," Dyson said.

Though hardly as rigorous as organic chemistry, the course does have midterm and final examinations and required readings, including from Jay-Z's book, "Decoded." The 75-minute classes ? the final one is Wednesday ? focus more on African-American culture and business than on the particulars of the rapper's biography, which include millions in record sales, Grammy Awards, a marriage to Beyonce with a baby on the way and tours with Kanye West and Eminem.

One recent lecture centered on how popular black artists reflect their culture and race to the public at large, with Dyson name-dropping LL Cool J, Diahann Carroll and Bill Cosby. The professor and one student went back and forth on whether the rapper's lyrical depictions of his extravagant lifestyle ? "Used to rock a throwback, balling on the corner/Now I rock a Teller suit, looking like an owner" is one of many examples ? amounted to bragging and rubbing his taste for fine living in the faces of his listeners.

The student took the position that Jay-Z appears overly boastful, but Dyson countered that the rapper, who grew up in a Brooklyn housing project but has since become a multimillionaire, has never lost his ability to relate to the struggles of everyday people and has continued giving voice to their concerns. Though Jay-Z raps about Saint-Tropez and expensive cigars, he also talks about being nurtured by Brooklyn. And in one song, "99 Problems," he attacks racial profiling with a stark depiction of a racially motivated traffic stop: "Son, do you know why I'm stopping you for?" the officer asks. Jay-Z replies: "`Cause I'm young and I'm black and my hat's real low."

The chairman of Georgetown's sociology department, Timothy Wickham-Crowley, says he supports Dyson's course for trying to show how Jay-Z's music fits into American society, and Steve Stoute, an author and marketing executive who has done business with Jay-Z and has spoken to the class, said the course has practical value for students interested in business.

But others have concerns.

Kevin Powell, who writes about hip-hop and has run unsuccessfully for Congress in Brooklyn, said any discussion of Jay-Z should account for what Powell says are the rapper's derogatory lyrics toward women and his expressions of excessive materialism. Kris Marsh, an assistant sociology professor at the University of Maryland who specializes in the black middle class, said that while she appreciated Jay-Z's cultural significance, she was wary of structuring an entire course around him and using his narrative alone to reflect black America. Though hip-hop artists can focus a lens on urban life, she said, "sometimes these artists use poetic license" and blend fact and fiction to an audience that is often suburban and white.

"We're not sure if it's fiction or real life. It can be almost indistinguishable sometimes in hip-hop," she said.

In an opinion piece published in the student newspaper, The Hoya, junior Stephen Wu dismissed as "poppycock" Dyson's belief that Jay-Z could be compared to Homer or Shakespeare.

"It speaks volumes that we engage in the beat of Carter's pseudo-music while we scrounge to find serious academic offerings on Beethoven and Liszt. We dissect the lyrics of "Big Pimpin'," but we don't read Spenser or Sophocles closely," Wu wrote.

Danielle Bailey, a senior international business and marketing major who is taking the class, said she was a Jay-Z fan before enrolling but now has greater appreciation for his business acumen.

"I know a lot of people are upset, but I think the point of college is to think outside the box. I rarely have classes that allow me to look at things differently," she said, adding, "It's not always about Mozart and Homer."

Dyson makes no apologies, saying the course is a conduit for studying the "major themes of American life" and that hip-hop artists at their best deserve to be classified alongside literary luminaries.

Jay-Z was on tour and not available for an interview, his representative said. But Dyson, who considers himself a friend of the rapper, says Jay-Z has told him he appreciates the course. And Bailey said she heard Jay-Z give a "shout-out" to the class at a recent concert of his she attended.

"You're doing the class there," Dyson says Jay-Z told him. "I'm doing kind of the master class while I'm in concert."





Eric Tucker can be reached at


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