Thursday, April 11, 2013

SEO and keyword density ? Little Big Voice ? Blog ? Search Engine ...

For internet marketing professionals of all kinds, these three letters are a large part of their daily work routine. In fact, there isn?t really such a thing as internet marketing without SEO.

Here at Little Big Voice, our London SEO services force us to measure keywords every single day.

What is SEO?

When you browse on the internet, you are most likely searching through a search engine like Google.

Well, those words which you search with are the keywords that websites use to be discovered by you. Using keywords within content gets a business found in search engines, hence the term Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) keywords.

SEO isn?t just for the pretty content that you go to read on a website; it is also an important component of HTML on the website?s pages. This includes the page titles, alternative (Alt) text, the page description, Meta tags, and comments.

Why is SEO important?

Every person browsing through internet search engines is a potential customer. This is why, with the ever-increasing masses of information on the interest, SEO has become an essential marketing tool that will make a business stand out; a tool that must be mastered.

Without correct search engine optimisation, your business will not get the attention you want and most likely need. Doing it properly (i.e. using the right keywords) will also help your website content to reach the appropriate audience; search engines use keywords to index your website in the correct and relevant place on the internet.

This all might sound simple enough however; there is a trap which many SEO first-timers fall straight into and this is because of keyword density.

What is keyword density?

This term refers to the amount of keywords and their frequency which is measured as a percentage. For example:

If 300 words of content on a page (including the HTML text which we mentioned earlier) has an SEO keyword phrase 3 times, the keyword density percentage is 1%.

Although 1% may seem a small figure, this is actually an acceptable keyword density. Many SEO experts believe that 1-2% is the best amount whilst others argue that up to 5% is suitable.

Ultimately, the search engines indexing the content will dictate the density of keywords to use. For instance Google is believed to prefer under 2%.

Why is keyword density so important?

Too many SEO keywords (more commonly known as keyword stuffing) are lethal for websites and content. This is because a high density of keywords and phrases will be deemed as spam by search engines and pushed far back to the extremely poor positions on their search results. It will not matter how high-quality, interesting or entertaining the content is; too many keywords will ensure that the website or content do not get seen.


London SEO agency, Little Big Voice offer SEO services that will help you to ensure that your business will not be discarded from Google?s top search results.

Tags: keyword density, Search Engine Optimisation, SEO


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Understanding Financing & Education Loan Options for Graduate

Whether you?re going from college straight into graduate school, medical school or law school, or going back to obtain a master?s degree, you may need financing to help you cover the expenses. Just as you did for college, you?ll need to fill out a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine your expected contribution and discover any scholarships or grants you can apply for. After you?ve explored the alternatives to student loans, which may include tuition assistance from your employer, fellowships, graduate assistantships, or job opportunities, you may also need to consider loans to finance your education.


Learn more about federal education loans and private student loan options below so you can be more prepared as you explore graduate borrowing opportunities.


  • Federal Direct Loans: There are several federal student loans available, including Stafford Loans, Plus Loans and Perkins Loans, and they may have different terms and conditions than private student loans. This makes them a good option to explore.


  • Stafford Loans:? These are some of the most popular higher education loans available. When subsidized, they are available to students demonstrating financial need, and the government pays the accrued interest. If they?re unsubsidized, anyone can apply for the loan, but they will be required to pay the interest. In either case, there?s a six-month grace period after you graduate, so you can find a job before you have to start paying back the loan.


  • PLUS Loans for graduate students: If you have strong credit and have shown consistency paying off undergraduate loans, the federal PLUS Loan may be right for you. You may borrow up to the total cost of you education, but the loan amount must be certified by the school. However, if you have had difficulty making payments or defaulted on previous loans, your credit score may not be strong enough and you may want to examine alternatives to PLUS student loans.


  • Perkins Loans: Another need-based education loan, Perkins Loans are awarded by your school and repaid to the school. Keep in mind other aid you are receiving may have a direct impact on your ability to receive this type of loan. You will have a nine-month grace period after graduation before you need to begin repayment.


  • Private student loans: If the above loans do not cover the cost of attending school entirely, you may want to consider private student loan options. These are offered by banks and lending institutions, so ask your college for a list of preferred lenders to help you choose a reputable one. An alternative to federal student loans, private loans can still cover the total cost of your education. Because the interest rates can be higher and borrower requirements more strict, they?re generally a good supplement to federal loans rather than a replacement.


Other things to consider as you apply for graduate education loans

As you are planning to continue your education, work to improve your credit score so you can qualify for education loans. To do so, start by paying off high-interest debts, consider cancelling store credit cards or consult a credit counselor. Talk to your employer to see if tuition assistance is provided. Then, use a student loan calculator to account for current debts you have and financial aid you?ve received to find the best way to pay for graduate school using federal education loans or private student loans.


Sponsored content was created and provided by RBS Citizens Financial Group. Photo:?snre

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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Women with low-self esteem work harder to keep a keeper

Apr. 9, 2013 ? How desirable women think their partners are to others can affect how much time and effort they invest in the relationship.

This is one of the findings of a study by Dr Chris Bale of the University of Huddersfield who will present his findings at the British Psychological Society Annual Conference in Harrogate today, Wednesday 10 April 2013.

The study sought to examine how different levels of self-esteem could affect women's behaviour towards their partners. For example women who feel less desirable than their partners may attempt to compensate for this by investing more in their relationships.

One hundred and ninety two women (aged 18 -- 60 years old) completed an online survey on self-esteem and relationship behaviour. Using a series of rating scales they reported how they felt about themselves, their current partner and the things that they did to maintain their relationship.

The results indicated that women who felt more desirable than to their partners had higher levels of self-esteem and engaged in less behaviour designed to maintain and enhance their relationships. However, women with lower levels of self-esteem reported putting more effort into activities designed to prevent their partner from becoming involved with someone else.

Chris explained: "These results represent women who feel that they have fewer desirable qualities than their partners attempting to make up for this imbalance by investing more time, effort and economic resources in their relationships.

"However the present research is preliminary and limited in that it surveyed only UK women. Further research should be conducted in a variety of cultures and it would also be interesting to see whether similar results are found in men."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by British Psychological Society (BPS), via AlphaGalileo.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

'Post-mortem' yields insight into Kepler's supernova

Apr. 8, 2013 ? An exploding star observed in 1604 by the German astronomer Johannes Kepler held a greater fraction of heavy elements than the sun, according to an analysis of X-ray observations from the Japan-led Suzaku satellite. The findings will help astronomers better understand the diversity of type Ia supernovae, an important class of stellar explosion used in probing the distant universe.

"The composition of the star, its environment, and the mechanism of the explosion may vary considerably among type Ia supernovae," said Sangwook Park, an assistant professor of physics at the University of Texas at Arlington. "By better understanding them, we can fine-tune our knowledge of the universe beyond our galaxy and improve cosmological models that depend on those measurements."

The best way to explore the star's makeup is to perform a kind of post-mortem examination on the shell of hot, rapidly expanding gas produced by the explosion. By identifying specific chemical signatures in the supernova remnant, astronomers can obtain a clearer picture of the composition of the star before it blew up.

"Kepler's supernova is one of the most recent type Ia explosions known in our galaxy, so it represents an essential link to improving our knowledge of these events," said Carles Badenes, an assistant professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Pittsburgh.

Using the Suzaku satellite's X-ray Imaging Spectrometer (XIS), the astronomers observed the remnant of Kepler's supernova in 2009 and 2011. With a total effective XIS exposure of more than two weeks, the X-ray spectrum reveals several faint emission features from highly ionized chromium, manganese and nickel in addition to a bright emission line from iron. The detection of all four elements was crucial for understanding the original star.

"Suzaku's XIS instrument is uniquely suited to this type of study thanks to its excellent energy resolution, high sensitivity and low background noise," said team member Koji Mori, an associate professor of applied physics at the University of Miyazaki, Japan.

Cosmologists regard type Ia supernovae as "standard candles" because they release similar amounts of energy. By comparing this standard to the observed peak brightness of a type Ia supernova, astronomers can pin down its distance. Their similarity stems from the fact that the exploding star is always a compact stellar remnant known as a white dwarf.

Although a white dwarf star is perfectly stable on its own, pair it with another white dwarf or a normal star and the situation eventually may turn volatile. The normal star may transfer gas onto the white dwarf, where it gradually accumulates. Or the orbits of binary white dwarfs may shrink until the two objects merge.

Either way, once a white dwarf begins tipping the scales at around 1.4 times the sun's mass, a supernova soon follows. Somewhere within the white dwarf, carbon nuclei begin merging together, forming heavier elements and releasing a vast amount of energy. This wave of nuclear fusion rapidly propagates throughout the star, ultimately shattering it in a brilliant explosion that can be detected billions of light-years away.

Astronomers can track some details of the white dwarf's composition by determining the abundance of certain trace elements, such as manganese, that formed during the explosion. Specifically, the ratio of manganese to chromium produced by the explosion turns out to be sensitive to the presence of a neutron-rich version of neon, called neon-22. Establishing the star's neon-22 content gives scientists a guide to the abundance of all other elements heavier than helium, which astronomers call "metals."

The findings provide strong evidence that the original white dwarf possessed roughly three times the amount of metals found in the sun. Progressive stellar generations seed interstellar gas with increasing proportions of metals. The remnant, which lies about 23,000 light-years away toward the constellation Ophiuchus, lies much closer to our galaxy's crowded central region than the sun does. There, star formation was probably more rapid and efficient. As a result, the star that blazed forth as Kepler's supernova likely formed out of material that already was enriched with a higher fraction of metals.

Park, Badenes, Mori and their colleagues discuss the findings in a paper scheduled for publication in the April 10 issue of The Astrophysical Journal Letters and now available online.

While the Suzaku results do not directly address which type of binary system triggered the supernova, they indicate that the white dwarf was probably no more than a billion years old when it exploded, or less than a quarter of the sun's current age.

"Theories indicate that the star's age and metal content affect the peak luminosity of type Ia supernovae," Park explained. "Younger stars likely produce brighter explosions than older ones, which is why understanding the spread of ages among type Ia supernovae is so important."

In 2011, astrophysicists from the United States and Australia won the Nobel Prize in physics for the discovery that the expansion of the universe is picking up speed, a conclusion based on measurements of type Ia supernovae. An enigmatic force called dark energy appears to be responsible for this acceleration, and understanding its nature is now a top science goal. Recent findings by the European Space Agency's Planck satellite reveal that dark energy makes up 68 percent of the universe.

Launched on July 10, 2005, Suzaku was developed at the Japanese Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), which is part of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), in collaboration with NASA and other Japanese and U.S. institutions.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Sangwook Park, Carles Badenes, Koji Mori, Ryohei Kaida, Eduardo Bravo, Andrew Schenck, Kristoffer A. Eriksen, John P. Hughes, Patrick O. Slane, David N. Burrows, Jae-Joon Lee. A SUPER-SOLAR METALLICITY FOR THE PROGENITOR OF KEPLER'S SUPERNOVA. The Astrophysical Journal, 2013; 767 (1): L10 DOI: 10.1088/2041-8205/767/1/L10

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Ford Focus is the world's best-selling auto

Ford's increasing focus on global small cars apparently is paying off. Make that the Ford Focus which was the world?s best-selling automobile overall last year, according to new data from R.L. Polk & Company.

The Detroit maker?s compact model rang up more than 1 million sales last year, almost 17 percent more volume than Toyota recorded for its traditional sales leader, the compact Corolla model. Ford also scored at the other extreme, its big F-Series pickups collectively coming in third on the global sales list. In all, Ford landed three different models in the Top 10, including the sixth-ranked Fiesta subcompact.

Toyota and Honda each had two models on the Polk chart, while Volkswagen and General Motors? Chevrolet brand each had one. But the Top 10 list also included a new name likely not recognizable to most Westerners: China?s Wuling Zhiguang which generated 768,870 sales, landing just behind the F-Series in fourth place.

?Focus and Fiesta represent the culmination of our One Ford global product strategy,? said Jim Farley, Ford executive vice president for global marketing, sales and service and the head of its Lincoln brand.

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While Focus saw a 40 percent jump in U.S. demand last year, Ford?s late push into China helped Focus surge to the top of the sales charts last year, with volume of 1,020,410. It only went on sale in what is now the world?s largest automotive market in March 2012. Yet that market snapped up 300,000 of the Ford compacts last year ? where it is sold in both the current version and as a prior-generation model known as the Focus ?Classic.?

Looking forward to Ford?s aggressive Chinese expansion plans, said Farley, ?With additional manufacturing capacity added last year, we now have a tremendous opportunity to further strengthen our global small car sales in 2013, with sales off to a very strong start already.?

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Toyota?s second-place finish, with sales of 872,774, still underscores the power of its Corolla model, especially considering it is set for a complete redesign later this year. A prototype, dubbed the Furia, was unveiled at the Detroit Auto Show in January and Toyota officials recently hinted that the production version will be introduced before the Los Angeles Auto Show next autumn.

(For more on the next Toyota Corolla, Click Here.)

The fact that the Ford F-Series only came in third might surprise some Americans considering its continued strength in the U.S., where it has routinely heads the sales charts as both best-selling truck and best-selling vehicle overall for decades. But the U.S. was responsible for the vast majority of the full-size pickup?s volume of 785,630 last year.

(Redesigning an Icon: the secret concepts behind the next-gen Ford F-Series, Click Here.)

The F-Series is a real standout on the Polk Top 10 sales chart as the only classic truck on the list. In fact, the vast majority of the top-selling products are compacts and subcompacts, with the Toyota Camry, ranked fifth, the only midsize offering.

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As for the Wuling Zhiguang, it?s a pintsized people-mover barely the size of some of the sedans and hatchbacks on the Top 10 chart. Wuling is part of a joint venture between General Motors and its Chinese partner, Shanghai-based SAIC. '

Here?s the complete Top 10 list:

  1. Ford Focus ? 1,020,410
  2. Toyota Corolla ? 872,774
  3. Ford F-Series ? 785,630
  4. Wuling Zhiguang ? 768,870
  5. Toyota Camry ? 729,793
  6. Ford Fiesta ? 723,130
  7. VW Golf ? 699,148
  8. Chevrolet Cruze ? 661,325
  9. Honda Civic ? 651,159
  10. Honda CR-V ? 624,982

Copyright ? 2009-2013, The Detroit Bureau


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Chilean poet Neruda's body exhumed in murder probe

By Rodrigo Garrido

ISLA NEGRA, Chile (Reuters) - The body of Chilean Nobel laureate Pablo Neruda, dead nearly four decades, was exhumed on Monday after his former driver said the poet was poisoned under Augusto Pinochet's dictatorship.

Neruda, famed for his passionate love poems and staunch communist views, is presumed to have died from prostate cancer on September 23, 1973.

But Manuel Araya, who was Neruda's chauffer during the ailing writer's last few months, says agents of the dictatorship took advantage of his illness to inject poison into his stomach while he was bedridden at the Santa Maria clinic in Santiago.

"We're hoping for a positive result because Neruda was assassinated. Pinochet made an error when he ordered Neruda be killed," said Araya. Results are expected in coming months.

Neruda was a supporter of socialist President Salvador Allende, who was toppled in a military coup on September 11, 1973, nearly two weeks before the poet's death at age 69. Around 3,000 people are thought to have been killed by the brutal 17-year-long dictatorship that ensued.

Neruda was buried in his coastal home of Isla Negra beside his third wife, Matilde Urrutia.

His remains will be brought to Santiago for analysis. Some samples could be sent to laboratories abroad.

Ricardo Eliecer Neftali Reyes Basoalto, better known by his pen name Pablo Neruda, was a larger-than-life fixture in Chile's literary and political scene.

While best known for his collection "Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair," published in 1924, Neruda was also an important political activist during a turbulent time in Chile.

He organized a ship to bring about 2,000 Spanish refugees fleeing the civil war there to Chile in 1939, campaigned for Allende and was ambassador to France during the socialist's presidency.

The Andean country's intelligentsia frequently congregated in Isla Negra, as well as in his Santiago home "La Chascona" - so named for his then-mistress Urrutia's messy red hair - and La Sebastiana, his ship-themed home in the port town of Valparaiso.

Democratically elected Allende committed suicide in the presidential palace as it was under attack by the military, experts confirmed last year, amid accusations he had been murdered during the coup.

Chilean courts are also investigating the death of ex-President Eduardo Frei Montalva, who is presumed to have died in 1982 of an infection after a hernia operation. Some say he was poisoned by Pinochet's agents.

(Reporting By Rodrigo Garrido; Writing by Alexandra Ulmer; Editing by Eric Beech)


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